The Powerglove reaction

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This happens with software developers a lot--negativity and complaints over fickle non-issues discourage them from continuing with their efforts. Sucks to see it happening to a promoter who is abnormally (and I don't mean that in a bad way) attached to his community when most promoters are simply the man behind the curtain who couldn't give a shit about what the ticket-buyers think. Maybe it's best to disassociate sometimes.

The jaded, spoiled whiners are a loud, insignificant minority not worth a second of your thoughts. Fuck 'em. Just because the festival is apparently no longer special to them that they can criticize you for adding bands to no detriment to the headliners' set lengths doesn't mean it isn't something the majority of regular attendees look forward to all year. The latter are the people who really deserve to be pleased and will appreciate your efforts regardless of the lineup from year to year.
Well said!


2. As other have alluded to, one specific booking agent controls the U.S. market for small to medium size metal tours. That's why you see the same openers on tours in cycles. I am on very good terms with the agent. He is also the agent that I have to go through if I want to make other headline possibilities happen. Like it or not, this is a business. You have to give and take to make things happen. This is nothing new. The festival would have dried up a long time ago if I wasn't playing politician behind the scenes.

Glenn, thank you very much for posting this specifically. Several of us have been trying to reiterate these exact points for years, but most just ignore us as if something like this is fantasy. Now, hopefully they will understand this is how the game works.

Well said, sir.
I was wanting an opening band to wet my appetite that night. I will admit i didnt want Powerglove, not my style, but who cares they will get the job done and it doesnt hurt me any. and it is a smart business idea cause they do have such a following, after thinking about it, it is a really sound pick, you a smart man Glenn. and as far as liking them I will give them another shot maybe there is something there I missed. And if it is no thing PPUSA has shown me its that bands that I dont care for on the album, I can LOVE live (Leprous anyone?).

as far as people saying stuff on facebook.
[If you do not get this I will say it so anyone who does not know it will know it]


saying stuff like that on facebook is like spray painting on a billboard.

to voice your opinion here is one thing, thats us talking in our house, but lets not take our unhappiness out to the streets. Glenn and his wife (I think it might be more her than him) have done a great job on the FB and it really is a great tool.
There are roughly five bands lined up for the four days' worth of events this year that I have no interest in seeing. Does this mean that the quality of the show has declined or that Glenn is out of his mind? Not in the least (well, I can't account for Glenn being out of his mind. Then again, aren't all geniuses considered mad?) I'm not pissing and moaning about the bands that I don't like. I'm ecstatic to see the bands that I enjoy, especially since I'm getting to see most of them for the first time.

Well said, Al. That's always been my feeling on the fest as well. Typically there are a couple or so bands I have no interest in whatsoever, but it would be crazy and stupid/ignorant to say that because they're at the fest, it drags it down as a whole. It's good to have variety.
All I can say as a fan/friend/worker is to not let the bastards grind ya down. ... I'm sure the majority of the people will stand by you 100%

This right here is truth. I understand you're human and negative reactions really wear you out when you have a few people second guessing things, but look at the big picture. Several hundred people are willing to travel several hundred miles for an event that you and your wife (and your crew) put on every year. If that's not testament to appreciation and love, I don't know what is. On top of that, look at this outpouring of support you get on the forum.

I know how one negative comment can ruin 100's of positive comments in the blink of an eye. Hell, anyone who's worked retail or sales for any time at all knows that, but take a step back and try not to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Just toss them away and enjoy the rest.
I just have one question? Whos Powerglove? :)

They are the band who have now GUARANTEED that I will buy a ticket to the Showcase Thursday night.

Probably wouldn't have beforehand... but now I will.

Just to spite "Bob" - whoever the hell he is. If he doesn't want to go to ProgPower he's useless to me, and simply has no concept of what a "good time" means.
I missed the uproar too, but there are time-stamp gaps in the announcement thread that indirectly imply some number of posts were deleted.
Today is not that day. This post goes out to Sarah, Jeff, Bob, etc, who are not just bashing Powerglove, but the festival quality in general with their posts elsewhere after the announcement.

We work our asses off all year long to make this event happen. We pour our heart and soul into this. People have absolutely no idea the heartache involved in putting this this festival together. However, some people feel entitled to not just voice an opinion, but to voice insults without a care. Ouch.
Wow. I had not seen this post since I was in NYC overnight seeing Volbeat. Hope no comment I made was seen in this light. I did make it clear they were not my cup of tea, but they will certainly appeal to others. AND while I'm not into the schtick, they are undeniably talented musicians. I sincerely hope they pull a good crowd.

As for people to dissing the quality of the festival over a 30 minute set, that is as rude as it is ridiculous. It's a shame people don't think more before they post their knee jerk reactions on the internet.
Despite some strong empiric evidence to the contrary (I'm pretty sure black metal bands use my ex-wife's name to invoke demons), I have an absurdly optimistic world view.

With that understanding in mind, I hope that when Glenn is feeling particularly bitter about some idiots with computers, he remembers the response that the PP community showed when he tried to pull off the special additional act for this year. If that's not a vote of confidence, I don't know what is.

Well said and I really hate that you have to do posts like this. I agree with the person who said don't let a few asswipes spoil what the majority of us love which is the hard work you and jen put forth in bringing this fest to us. Hang in there brutha, you and jen do a hell of a job.

As for powerglove, never heard of them and just listened to a few youtube clips and loved what i heard. Fun stuff and I am looking forward to it. Nice addition to the already KILLER thursday night.

As always thx for everything you and Jen do. We love ya!!
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