The Powerglove reaction

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Screw 'em Glenn! Please keep doing what you're doing and don't change a freakin' thing!! I, and many others, are quite happy that you added them. I've always heard great things about their live shows and enjoy them on disc.

Wow....just wow.......I haven't seen any of the off-forum ranting about this FREE band that doesn't affect ANYTHING else on the kickoff..... I probably shouldn't look for it either....

All I can say as a fan/friend/worker is to not let the bastards grind ya down.
I'm eternally thankful for so many of the magic moments that this festival has given ALL of us..... Kudos to Glenn & Jen and everyone who busts their asses to make this event special.......You don't know what you're missing until it's gone, and I hope that isn't happening anytime soon....Keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure the majority of the people will stand by you 100%
Today is not that day. This post goes out to Sarah, Jeff, Bob, etc, and even Dave (who I thought was a friend) who are not just bashing Powerglove, but the festival quality in general with their posts elsewhere after the announcement.

For a moment, I thought you meant me! I was terribly confused... all I know is that I've never heard Powerglove and certainly wouldn't complain.

How irritating that there's another Sarah out there, giving my name a black eye!
All I can say as a fan/friend/worker is to not let the bastards grind ya down.
I'm eternally thankful for so many of the magic moments that this festival has given ALL of us..... Kudos to Glenn & Jen and everyone who busts their asses to make this event special.......You don't know what you're missing until it's gone, and I hope that isn't happening anytime soon....Keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure the majority of the people will stand by you 100%

*sigh* I can't believe how ignorant people can be. Glenn, don't let these people drag you down. You, Jenn and your crew do so much every year to make this (in my opinion) the best quality metal festival. As has been mentioned a lot by now, I don't see how this fucks up the festival. It doesn't inconvenience anyone. If people don't like them, they can have dinner, go to the lobby, etc. I've mentioned I'm not a fan, but I also will admit that what they do, they do very well. Not to mention they will help to energize the crowd for sure.

I don't even want to think of the fest ending. :cry:
I saw the announcement right after it hit

Hours later I drop in on the forum to find out.... people are bitching about a fucking free band?..........................

For real?


Jesus fucking christ

Best damn music festival on US soil but you will always have people who have to whine and complain

This will be my 9th PP in a row and almost all as a GB holder

and Glenn will keep getting my support until he closes the doors and shuts off the lights
I read the things that were said which have now been deleted from the particular site Glenn refers to in his post.I don't think it was meant as a blast or direct hurtful comment toward anyone.I just think the person felt okay saying he didn't like this band on another website other than this forum because he didn't want to upset Glenn or anyone.But that's exactly what happened because A LOT of people could have potentially seen the remarks and maybe gotten a bad taste of ProgPower without ever coming to check it out.I hope the people involved can work it out with him and Jen.
I hurt inside everytime I see Glenn have to post a thread directed at any of us on this forum because we step out of line and take things too far.God knows I could not and don't want to take on the role of what he and Jen do for us each and every year.I've stated my feelings on a thread after last years fest about what this event means to me and how it has improved my marriage by getting my wife to come and she loved it.Seeing this event end one day will cripple me,but I knows it's unavoidable.So please folks,understand its okay to share your likes and dislikes,but do it in a manner that doesn't cause Glenn or Jen to think we don't appreciate everything they do for us.
Especially to Glenn and Jen: I'm not trying to speak for the people you named in your post,but I know one of them.I don't think he meant it the way it came out.He loves this fest and would not be a sponsor if he didn't.I also believes he loves both of you and this thing just got blown up by others commenting on his post.

Go fuck yourselves.
With chainsaws.

This will be my 4th consecutive attendance and first kickoff attendance, and that's a trend that is likely to continue until there is no more PPUSA to attend, which I hope is later rather than sooner. I was even thinking about -mingling- this year. PREPOSTEROUS.

Go fuck yourselves.
With chainsaws.

This will be my 4th consecutive attendance and first kickoff attendance, and that's a trend that is likely to continue until there is no more PPUSA to attend, which I hope is later rather than sooner. I was even thinking about -mingling- this year. PREPOSTEROUS.

I am considering mingling as well. If it's all the same, I'd prefer to not know if the people I'm mingling with are wearing a banana hammock such as in your icon...
Threads like the one that must have been deleted (as is par for the course, I'm late to the party) cause me to post less and less on this forum. It amazes me to see just how many people hang around this forum to post their extreme opinions about every little thing. It's as if their lives were dependent upon proving how important their opinions were to people with whom they only interact via a faceless medium.

To make matters worse, a number of the people who bitch and moan about announcements like these are people who never have and never will attend the festival. I'm certain that these folks could find bands that they detest on the bill of every metal festival in the works this year. Why stop here?

There are roughly five bands lined up for the four days' worth of events this year that I have no interest in seeing. Does this mean that the quality of the show has declined or that Glenn is out of his mind? Not in the least (well, I can't account for Glenn being out of his mind. Then again, aren't all geniuses considered mad?) I'm not pissing and moaning about the bands that I don't like. I'm ecstatic to see the bands that I enjoy, especially since I'm getting to see most of them for the first time.

I'm happy to see that Powerglove is playing the Showcase. I think they're an excellent band, and I for one believe it's about time that an instrumental act appeared at this festival. This just adds to the reasons why I'm excited to be attending.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I am considering mingling as well. If it's all the same, I'd prefer to not know if the people I'm mingling with are wearing a banana hammock such as in your icon...

For last year's event, I considered printing it out onto an iron-on transfer with the message "Special delivery! Here's your package. Signed, Geoff"

Sad to say I went with my better judgment and did no such thing.
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