The Powerglove reaction

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The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
"With great power comes great responsibility."
-Uncle Ben

"With great promoting power comes the great responsibility to put up with great bullshit."
-Glenn H.

I've been doing this thing for ten years now and thought I had heard & seen it all. I mean, I started with nothing and built an internationally recognized festival that has thrived for a decade now. Sure, I have made a few mistakes along the way..I'm human. Every year, I get critiqued mercilessly over my selections. However, I must be doing something right as ProgPower USA continues to be a success while other festivals come and go. I have put up with more armchair quarterback critiques for over 10 year than I can remember. They have come and gone and took their megaphone with them.

I'm still here.

I normally sit back and just let the cards fall where they may after an announcement. I'll defend a few things in a politically correct manner from time to time because negative remarks hurt me just like they you..again, I'm human.

Today is not that day. This post goes out to Sarah, Jeff, Bob, etc, who are not just bashing Powerglove, but the festival quality in general with their posts elsewhere after the announcement.

I'm simply disappointed. I have never said a negative word about any of you in public or private. Yet, it's ok to do that to me and my wife because I run the festival? If I haven't earned your respect by now, I don't want it. Any other promoter sees you as nothing but a ticket sale. I don't. I don't want your money. ProgPower USA means more to me than that than putting up with hypocrites.

We work our asses off all year long to make this event happen. We pour our heart and soul into this. People have absolutely no idea the heartache involved in putting this this festival together. However, some people feel entitled to not just voice an opinion, but to voice insults without a care. Ouch.

Let me get this straight....

A FREE band was added to the bill. That band is only playing 30 minutes. That band has no affect whatsoever on the headliners set length. There were no bands replaced. There were no bands rejected.

That's a problem? That's the reason you are complaining? The festival quality has dropped because of that? Seriously? I can understand not liking a band and voicing that opinion, but to slag me ("wtf is he thinking") or the festival ("quality has dropped") for 30 minutes that you don't even have to show up and see if you don't want?


I was not going to post anything other than "everything happens for a reason." However, this one time I'm going to explain things so you will understand the types of decisions I make as a promoter. You may not agree with me, but consider these...

1. Powerglove is on tour with Evergrey. There is an economic benefit to having Powerglove play in Atlanta FOR EVERGREY, not me. In fact, Shane & I are LOSING money on it to help Evergrey out. In fact, it made not just the ProgPower appearance *possible* for Evergrey, but helped them out specifically on the tour routing. I do everything I can to help bands out behind the scenes, and I do it because I care. I don't need to tell you every single thing (name another US promoter that's as open as I am), but there is a reason I have a good rapport with every single band that has played the festival. I try to go the extra mile for them and they do the same for me in return. Normally, that's none of your business. However, it's the reason I have a good reputation worldwide with all bands.

2. As other have alluded to, one specific booking agent controls the U.S. market for small to medium size metal tours. That's why you see the same openers on tours in cycles. I am on very good terms with the agent. In fact, he is the reason that I was able to pull off Sanctuary long before anyone else knew they were even thinking about getting back together. He is also the agent that I have to go through if I want to make other headline possibilities happen. Like it or not, this is a business. You have to give and take to make things happen. This is nothing new. The festival would have dried up a long time ago if I wasn't playing politician behind the scenes.

3. Like it or not, Powerglove provides me with a new audience to expose the festival to just like Arcturus did. I do what I have to do to draw new blood and keep things going. It's nice to have 11,000 new people to advertise to on facebook.

Did I need to do this post? No. I could have just let it roll off my back like I have done in the past. However, enough is enough. And frankly, I'm embarrassed because Powerglove is excited about this opportunity and is reading such feedback.

One of these days, the festival is going away. And that's sooner than you think. When it does, perhaps you will look back and realize that those 30 minutes weren't that big of a deal after all.....
Keep doing what you're doing and for the reasons you're doing it. The vast majority of us are in your corner! And for the record, I have seen Powerglove on two different occasions in a live setting and I actually enjoy them very much. Video game metal? So what! I like the music, I like the tongue-in-cheek approach the guys have in presenting themselves live, and it's a lot of fun. I'm on-board very much with their inclusion and thank you for going above and beyond yet again!

I hope your post allowed you let off the steam caused by other's ignorance. Those of us that love the festival and you, your wife, and crew's hard work all I can say is KEEP up the GREAT WORK and to hell with poser posters!:devil:
Other than my "goddamn right" response, I feel I should say more. People need to remember that this is YOUR festival. I doubt you get much input from anyone about who to book, unless you ASK for it beforehand. If you were booking them and then perhaps pushing VP or EG out of their slot a bit, or having them lose stage time, then I could see everyone being up in arms, but here, exactly as you said, IT'S A FREE BAND AND A FREE ADDITION TO THE SHOW THAT IS HAPPENING BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. People here complain too much. You've brought us things that we would have never been able to see ANYWHERE else at any time. You've done things that would make other promoters KILL to be able to pull off. Yet, some spoiled pricks come here, to your house no less, and bash you and the festival because of a decision that you made that does nothing but helps almost everyone involved. Keep crying and bitching people, this festival isn't going to be here forever. When it's gone, I don't want to hear any crying or bitching out of ANY of you people who complained about this. If you don't like Powerglove, or the decision, fine. If you feel the need to OVERLY voice it, then take your negative fucking opinion and go play in the road.
I alwyas find it fascinating that seemingly intelligent people, while understanding that we all have opinions and do have the right to express them, have no clue about when not to.
I am normally not on the forum, but after reading your post - I had to register. Always being a music lover - rock and metal fan, I had only been to a few concerts before my now-husband invited me to Prog Power in 2007. I. Was. Hoooooked. Turned on to sooo many great bands I never knew of, the festival is AMAZING and the bands have been so fantastic and down to earth. We already have our gold badges bought and finally getting to see EVERGREY live @ Prog is the highlight of this year for me! Prog Power is my husband and I's honeymooon all over again each year. It is so special to us! I don't care WHAT band tagged along if it means Evergrey plays Prog. I cannot imagine our lives without Prog Power, and the work you do to put it on is appreciated by the vast majority of the fans who come to the show. We love you and Jen, and are soooooo very thankful that you bring us this festival, these bands, and I totally trust your judgement. Anyone who proposes to question it is an idiot and a fool. Margarita cheers to you Glenn..I want to keep adding a lanyard, autographs, and fantastic memories from Prog Power until I have to be drug out for being too old! We already are counting the years until we decide to bring our kids with us. I hope it never stops!!! Thank you for all you do.
Wasn't this exactly what happened with the addition of Leaves' Eyes last year, too? Technical issues aside, that was the best I've seen them - I had thought they were only okay before, but their PPUSA performance really left me impressed. Maybe Powerglove will do the same.

Also, I'm going to note that Powerglove have a pretty strong fanbase. When I saw them with Sonata last year, they got just as big a crowd response as the headliner, if not bigger. I had heard the same for other dates on that tour, as well as their gigs with Firewind. This will definitely bring in some people who wouldn't normally attend.
Wasn't this exactly what happened with the addition of Leaves' Eyes last year, too? Technical issues aside, that was the best I've seen them - I had thought they were only okay before, but their PPUSA performance really left me impressed. Maybe Powerglove will do the same.

Also, I'm going to note that Powerglove have a pretty strong fanbase. When I saw them with Sonata last year, they got just as big a crowd response as the headliner, if not bigger. I had heard the same for other dates on that tour, as well as their gigs with Firewind. This will definitely bring in some people who wouldn't normally attend.

When I saw them they brought in a lot of people. After Powerglove all of those people left.
Wasn't this exactly what happened with the addition of Leaves' Eyes last year, too? Technical issues aside, that was the best I've seen them - I had thought they were only okay before, but their PPUSA performance really left me impressed. Maybe Powerglove will do the same.

The progpower stage seems to allow bands to elevate their game. It's like the Superbowl of the touring circuit in the USA.
Cheers Glenn. Now that I've heard that Youtube clip, I can say it could be fun, and if not, nobody's holding a gun to our heads to stay in the auditorium while they're on, what with the always packed hallway plus the vendor room and even the steps outside, or whatever.
That answered my question of why, and quite well. It makes perfect sense to me, plus as others have said, Powerglove really does seem to have quite a loyal following (I too noticed the mass exodus after their set while they were on tour with Firewind). If this brings in some new fans for PP, I say hell yeah! I've seen them and they're not exactly my cup of tea, but I'm sure they will appeal to quite a lot of people. I may even catch a bit of their set to see if I change my mind. At any rate, they are certainly not detracting from the rest of the show in any way.
I have NFC who Powerglove is because I live in a definitively non metal town. Since I have to be within 30 minutes of my hospital for the time being, I can't travel to see bands except for one special weekend in September when I get someone to cover my beeper. If Glenn thinks a band is good enough to make the PP roster, then I am going to be happy of the FREE TO ME addition. The people who are bitching need to remember that not everyone lives in a metal market. Don't let the fact that you're spoiled blow it for the rest of us.
*applauds the original post*

and call me ass-kisser all you want. But Glenn speaks the truth. I don't work on a level anywhere close to his, but what little I am able to work on throughout the year to help build some semblance of a traditional metal scene in Atlanta goes mostly without much fanfare.

But he speaks the truth when he says he does all he can to help bands out behind the scenes. A majority of you have NO FREAKIN CLUE what it takes to put bands on stages. I've learned quite a bit from watching Glenn through the years. And I've learned a few harsh lessons along the way from probably not paying close enough attention to Glenn.

I'm proud to be a small part of the PPUSA team. I'll continue to support what Glenn does until he's ready to hang his hat. And then I'll fondly reminisce while thumbing through pics and videos - and WISH I had Balls of Steel.
I'm elated that Powerglove is playing. They're a fantastic band, and much better than a lot of people on these forums give them credit for.

That said, Glenn, ignore Bob. Bob's not coming to ProgPower. He's never even been to ProgPower. Not once. So you know how much his opinion really means. Sorry Bob, but when it comes to ProgPower, your opinions are worth less than the wad of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

As for any friends of your's who maybe aren't pleased with the addition, please don't let their one negative opinion ruin your friendship. I'm sure most of them will have the wherewithal to apologize, and to realize that not liking Powerglove does not = ProgPower's quality has gone down. Lots of people speak out of a place of knee-jerk reactions when something they greatly dislike is announced. This is not the wisest, but everyone is human and completely fuck up at least once in their lives. If any negativity is coming from a friend as a first-time offense, they can shove their opinions elsewhere, not watch Powerglove, and enjoy the rest of the concert. And buy you a number of drinks and give you lots of money for future ProgPowers by way of apology. ;)

There are acts I'm not excited about, but I'll just go get something to eat, or go to bed, or hang out with friends during those sets. And I suggest everyone else do the same for any acts they aren't thrilled about.
i support Glenn, Jen and PPUSA
i like PG - they make me giggle
if you don't want to see them, the door swings both ways:
go grab some beer, walk around outside, get some dinner, go take a flying leap (language check for the children ;)) - whatever.

if more people hear about PPUSA this way, then what's the problem?!
i want the festival to stick around for a long while...and if that means opening the stage to randomness, then who the fuck am i to say anything?!

that being said - i totally just pulled out my autographed copy of 'Total Pwnage' and enjoyed cranking it while sitting in traffic in Atlanta :)

thank you Glenn and Jen for everything you do for us. you guys seriously rock on more than a few levels :)

tra la
I'm elated that Powerglove is playing. They're a fantastic band, and much better than a lot of people on these forums give them credit for.

That said, Glenn, ignore Bob. Bob's not coming to ProgPower. He's never even been to ProgPower. Not once. So you know how much his opinion really means. Sorry Bob, but when it comes to ProgPower, your opinions are worth less than the wad of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

As for any friends of your's who maybe aren't pleased with the addition, please don't let their one negative opinion ruin your friendship. I'm sure most of them will have the wherewithal to apologize, and to realize that not liking Powerglove does not = ProgPower's quality has gone down. Lots of people speak out of a place of knee-jerk reactions when something they greatly dislike is announced. This is not the wisest, but everyone is human and completely fuck up at least once in their lives. If any negativity is coming from a friend as a first-time offense, they can shove their opinions elsewhere, not watch Powerglove, and enjoy the rest of the concert. And buy you a number of drinks and give you lots of money for future ProgPowers by way of apology. ;)

There are acts I'm not excited about, but I'll just go get something to eat, or go to bed, or hang out with friends during those sets. And I suggest everyone else do the same for any acts they aren't thrilled about.

I have never heard Powerglove, but instead of just instantly turning them off like others....I will give the band a chance. I owe Glenn at least that. Hell, they are a "free" band on Thursday and are costing Vanden Plas and Evergrey any damn time...
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