PP USA VII: Annual Behind the Scenes booking thread

nightwish58 said:
I'm going to personally contact Within Temptation to try and find out why the hell they are holding out on a U.S. appearance.

I did that last year when they gave Glenn the cold shoulder.

I wonder if they, or their management want to ignore the possible US market. If you ask me, they are fools for doing so. I think their sound is soft enough that they could possibly even get radio play here.

As much as I like their music, I'm starting to really get pissed with them for shunning this market.

I'm glad to hear that lots of bands WANT to play at PP, and I'm really glad that Glenn is bringing those bands in.
Great insights as always, Glenn!

As for Nightwish next year...heck, if they're ready by then, and they want to do it (which reportedly they do), I think an exclusive or first-after-the-hiatus show at ProgPower would be Big.
"Really Big.
You have no idea how vastly, mind-bogglingly Big it would be. You might think it's a long way to the corner chemists', but that's just peanuts to this show....."

(with apologies to Douglas Adams and the Hitchhikers Guide :))

As for Devy..... After Freak Kitchen turns everyone on their ear this year -- in a good way, mind you :headbang: -- there's no reason why Devy couldn't return. I'd love to see more of his solo material live, and DTB has yet to play Atlanta outside of PPUSA.
Great info on the "what happened" and "what might have been". Certainly appreciated. On the wavering of Redemption, IMO Ray Alder himself pretty much deserves a higher slot than some of the bands on the roster. This guy sings for a band that helped create the Prog Metal genre. Anyone that doesn't know his history...doesn't know prog. Hearing his voice in any form ranks high on my list. And, the fact that Redemption is full of very talented musicians putting out some top quality material is a plus. Hopefully, Ray will get to grace the stage next year.
Thanks for the info Glenn. Its a shame you could'nt steal the thunder made by Dragonforce, you deserve it. I love this years lineup, but then again I love it every year! I would go just for Evergrey. But you want to toss in Jorn, Epica, Vision Divine, and Wastefall! WOW

Thankyou for all your hard work. Its the best weekend of the year!
Jasonic said:
It would have been "meh" to casual Nevermore fans such as myself.
Hold on... hearing Nevermore in a perfect venue, with a great crowd, performing "Dreaming Neon Black" in its entirety, with Simone on vocals for the title track, would have been "meh"? "Meh"!?!?

Had Nevermore played this show, as Glenn has suggested, the following ten events would have most certainly occurred:

10. Peace in the middle east
9. The Cubs would have won the World Series
8. Metal Rose would have turned her life over to God, become a nun, and spent the rest of her days fighting to rid the world of cellophane
7. An instant reversal of global warning
6. Shaye and Urban would have chosen a life of polygamy, agreeing that Shaye should marry the lead singer of every Power Metal band
5. The Pro-Life and Pro-Choice camps would have simply agreed to disagree and moved on
4. All members of Metalcore bands with the words “Lying”, Dying” “Bleeding” or “Sevenfold” in their name, would have spontaneously combusted.
3. President Bush would have been impeached and Dick Cheney banished to the nether region from which he sprang forth (where the planetary diet consists solely of puppy’s blood and kitten paws)
2. ProgPower's popularity would have soared, causing it to become a monthly event. It would have been cast in stone that Nevermore would headline every one of these monthly shows, and the festival would have been renamed "ProgPowerMore".

1. As Jeff Loomis began his “River Dragon” solo, Maria's (the Beer Goddess) t-shirt and bra would have turned to dust, fallen to ground (without her noticing), and she would have continued to serve beer for the remainder of the festival topless

Harvester said:
Devin was great! However, he went into the show with a chip on his shoulder thinking everone was going to hate him because the feedback had not been that great prior to the show.

The audience was not used to his SYL persona and didn't like being told to stick it in their c*nt.

It's really sad that things happened that way. I couldn't have been more pleased with seeing the DTB on the roster that year because it was something DIFFERENT. I felt he had a fine set of young musicians backing him and was impressed with the tunes, and when they played "Bad Devil" I was just in heaven.

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how Devin was going to conduct himself because I had heard so many disturbing stories of live shows (everything from nosepicking on down).

If anything, it was definitely a different show and broke a bit of the monotony.
Zod -
You are appearently a Nevermore fanboy and that is cool.
As I said, it would be "meh" to me, as a casual Nevermore fan.

To me, the coolest thing about this fest was the ability to present the number of overseas bands to the American audience.

Having Nevermore who tours constantly is like, "Ok, cool, but so what?"

Sure, for the super fans, having an exclusive set they normally do not play is cool and all. But there are still tons of amazing bands that would more benefit from playing the fest.

My point has been proven obviously, as Nevermore did not feel that playing Prog Power was more beneficial to their career than touring with Disturbed.
I love these type threads!!! I was hoping that Freak Kitchen had more of a story to them but eh, its all good!!!

As a Nevermore fan I am glad they are not playing the fest, I get a chance to see them quite a bit and to have a headeline set from Jorn and get a chance to see Jorn Viggo rippp it up since I missed PPUSA 4 is a double huge treat for me. I am surprised it hasn't sold out yet?

The audience was not used to his SYL persona and didn't like being told to stick it in their c*nt.

which is precisely why I did not bother stepping inside the venue while he played. I knew the reputation of telling the audience "F U" multiple times throughout his set when they wouldn't mosh enough to his satisfaction. So I opted out of that show. My choice. I never once bitched about Devin playing PPUSA back then. But I'm now glad to see how others reacted to the DTB show.

Anyway, Glenn as always it's great to see the Method to the Madness that is ProgPower USA. Thanks for sharing. Regardless of the hype, regardless of the bitching and moaning, I feel this is going to be one of the best PPUSA shows to date. And there's only about 5 bands on the roster I am wanting to see. There's a couple of more I'll give a chance. And there's one or two I will be at dinner or in the dealer's room for. And that's about typical for a PPUSA for myself. *thumbs up*


The audience was not used to his SYL persona and didn't like being told to stick it in their c*nt.

That's because the PP3 audience partly consisted of people with sticks up their ass. I'm convinced that those people were a vocal minority, and I couldn't *believe* people were taking those comments seriously. Myself, I was practically falling out of my chair laughing, as I had never seen Devy before. :)

Jasonic said:
Sure, for the super fans, having an exclusive set they normally do not play is cool and all. But there are still tons of amazing bands that would more benefit from playing the fest.

This will always be the case, regardless of who plays and who doesn't. And the headliner slots aren't there merely to benefit the headliners. They're there for US, and they're there for Harv to bring us a huge band that doesn't visit the States often, or a band doing something they might not otherwise get the opportunity to do (such as Nevermore playing one of the best cds ever written in its entirety).

You don't have to like Nevermore as much as some of us, and you don't have to consider this performence idea to be "special" to you. But, just so you know, the reason people are arguing with you is because you're acting like your opinion is somehow more "justified" than ours. It's annoying.
Jasonic said:
You are appearently a Nevermore fanboy and that is cool.
Guilty as charged.

Jasonic said:
Having Nevermore who tours constantly is like, "Ok, cool, but so what?"
That's a bit of a misconception. They haven't done a headline tour since "Dead Heart", which was released in 2000.

Jasonic said:
Sure, for the super fans, having an exclusive set they normally do not play is cool and all. But there are still tons of amazing bands that would more benefit from playing the fest.
Obviously, I can't speak for Glenn. However, I'd bet Glenn doesn't spend much time considering how much playing the festival can help a band. I imagine bands are booked based on their ability to sell festival tickets. And had Nevermore remained the headliner, (I'm guessing) this festival would have sold out already.

Jasonic said:
My point has been proven obviously, as Nevermore did not feel that playing Prog Power was more beneficial to their career than touring with Disturbed.
Agreed. They made the smart decision. They're in the late stage of their career, and the opportunity to open for a band as big as Disturbed don't come along often.

I am really disappointed to see that Vanden Plas was not mentioned in the discussions at all. Maybe they were and Glen just did not comment on them. I sure hope to see them back at the fest soon. With an excellent catalog of music, a phenomenal new album out, a positive past performance and a willingness to play the fest again I thought they would be a no-brainer.
Very nice. I was very happy with what you said about Vision Divine :) Such a good band!!

And After Forever... I wouldn't mind them at next year's PP :saint:
Azrael LenGraden said:
I am really disappointed to see that Vanden Plas was not mentioned in the discussions at all. Maybe they were and Glen just did not comment on them. I sure hope to see them back at the fest soon. With an excellent catalog of music, a phenomenal new album out, a positive past performance and a willingness to play the fest again I thought they would be a no-brainer.
I think they should have been in a #1 (headliner) or #2 spot this year. Perhaps if the Christ 0 buzz had hit just a month or so earlier they would have become a real no-brainer type selection? Oh well, maybe next year ?

Thanks Harv. Its been a crazy year and I have missed out on a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, which is always interesting! Your dedication to this is unparalleled and it shows in the final product. Great job, my friend!!

I will say that Devin's set is amongst my fav's of the whole history of the fest! Not only was the show cool, especially being the 2nd time the band even played out, but Dev was one of the nicest guys I have ever met as was his band, and continues to be everytime he/they tour. Hopefully, it wont be the last time we see him at PP.

Can't wait to get this party rollin!!!
Thanks Glenn for the inside scoop. I must admit I'm curious about the Dio conversation as well. With all the medical problems the Neverdudes are experiencing maybe PP not working out is for the best.

:worship: Thanks Bunches for everything!!:worship:
I have to be brief:

1. The Dio thing never got past the initial inquiry. He has one of the biggest booking agents on the planet (Van Halen, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc), yet he was one of the most professional and nicest guys I have ever had the pleasure to speak with.

2. Vanden Plas was not considered because you have to remember the "timing" of the booking. When I was putting the roster together, they had not put out a disc since their last appearance here plus they were going up against the other repeaters. They will be back one day.
booB said:
You don't have to like Nevermore as much as some of us, and you don't have to consider this performence idea to be "special" to you. But, just so you know, the reason people are arguing with you is because you're acting like your opinion is somehow more "justified" than ours. It's annoying.

In the case of Nevermore, mine was both justified and proven, so you are wrong. Maybe if you looked at things from a realistic instead of a fanboy viewpoint, you would understand.
General Zod said:
That's a bit of a misconception. They haven't done a headline tour since "Dead Heart", which was released in 2000.

Ok, I guess as a headliner it would be unique. But I think you get my point though.

It is all in how you want to look at it. Every attendee wants their favorite band to play at a festival they go to. Though from the band's perspective, though we sometimes fail to think about it, it comes down to dollars and cents.

It seems Prog Power has sold more tickets quicker in advance when the line-up contained bands that had not hit US shores before. This is what would get out of towners to travel for. Now I think the fest is reputable enough now where people are going to come regardless (Which is great)

I feel though the foundation to this was booking bands who were premeiring for the first time.

This is what is making Chicago Powerfest a force to be reckoned with. Last year brought Lefay and Tad Marose. This year was the US debut of Nocturnal Rites, Biomechanical, and Eldritch.
Jasonic said:
It seems Prog Power has sold more tickets quicker in advance when the line-up contained bands that had not hit US shores before.
When bands make thier first US appearance, there's an obvious appeal. However, in the long run, it depends more on the band than their origin. I'm quite sure if Glenn lined up Iced Earth and Nevermore as his two headliners, the show would sell out quickly.

Jasonic said:
This is what is making Chicago Powerfest a force to be reckoned with. Last year brought Lefay and Tad Marose. This year was the US debut of Nocturnal Rites, Biomechanical, and Eldritch.
Powerfest has yet to put together a line-up that has inspired to me to make the trip to Chicago (and I'm dying to go to Chicago).
