Rush- 2112/ Moving Pictures: Classic Albums DVD

I will say this if you have the documentary the main feature of this set is pretty boring. Same ground is covered. I have the blu-ray so i am not sure if the extras are the same. The extras on this set are really cool with them playing in the studio and breaking down the tracks. I think the extras are worth it if you are a rush nut.
yeah i noticed the story being nearly verbatim from the documentary, naturally. but the studio stuff was fun and it was great to hear how Tom Sawyer really ended when they tracked it since i thought it was a jam that seems to be un-ending, but the myth is busted! hahaha. it was hilarious to me.
bump (2112 related)...



"...2112 has been newly-remastered on 200-gram, heavyweight vinyl at legendary Abbey Road Studios using the Direct to Metal Mastering (DMM) audiophile copper plating process, all from original analogue masters. RUSH's fourth album, 2112, first released in 1976, proved a breakthrough, highlighted by its seven-part title suite - written by Lee and Lifeson, with lyrics by Peart - recounting a dystopian story set in the year 2112. It came in at #2 on Rolling Stone's list of 'Your Favorite Prog Rock Albums of All Time.' Most Rush fans consider it the band's definitive recording and it has sold over 3 million albums in the U.S., going triple-platinum.

This unique reissue showcases a custom, limited-edition, hand-etched hologram of the 'Red Star of the Federation' pressed in the album's dead wax runout of side two. To reveal the spinning hologram, fans can use any focused source of light, such as the LED flashlight on a smartphone, directly above the turntable while playing.


Rush frontman Geddy Lee recently sat down with Music Radar and went through a track-by-track overview of the band's critically acclaimed fourth album, 2112, released in 1976. An excerpt is available below:

Lee: “It begins with the 'Overture', which – despite being the first thing you hear – was the last piece to be written, much like with any classical overture. We wanted to take the most important musical threads from each of the subsequent parts to create a ‘new’ piece of music that would represent the album as a whole. So that’s where it all starts.”

“And then 'The Temples Of Syrinx' sets the scene, because 2112 is about a totalitarian society that controls everything about your life, including the music that you hear. It manufactures it all, so that’s what we wanted to say with this track. It sets up the hierarchy in this futuristic world that we’ve arrived in.”

“'Discovery' is where the hero of the story finds a device in a cave. It’s a guitar, but he doesn’t know it because they don’t exist in his time period. So he picks it up and realises that it’s a device that can make music and create sounds. Previous to that point, everything he’d ever heard had been provided to him by the people that run his world.”

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