The official guess the new headliner thread

Kenneth R. said:
I'm hoping for a Fates Warning or even further out there, Savatage.

I would love to see either of those bands, but I think Savatage is out of the question as they were listed in the A returning bands category because of WOMD.
How about a band that would appreciate it more? It would be pretty unconventional AND controversial. That band is the grandfather's of Finnish metal, TAROT!

Stingray11214 said:
How about a band that would appreciate it more? It would be pretty unconventional AND controversial. That band is the grandfather's of Finnish metal, TAROT!


I have heard some Tarot, but not a whole lot. The stuff in the later catalogue I definitely prefer, I guess just because of the production. I really hate that mid to late 80s sound, it so awful. Thank god for technology advancing.:worship:
I'm guessing it's not going to be a band with a huge name. Where would the risk be in bringing in Fates, Savatage, or Ayreon stuff ?

Option D was this :

d. I could gamble and go after someone that doesn't fit any of the above options. The problem is that it is riskier from a financial standpoint because let's face it, I have already booked the sure things.

I take it that Glenn is aprehensive about how this new headliner will go over, but thinks people will warm up to the idea once they get exposed to the music.

As for guesses I'm at a loss. According to Glenn's original options classic 80's/90's bands are out. The old standby bands are also out. The bands that with tours of the US are out.

That leaves us with mainly European bands who haven't played the US before, that might classify as somewhat of a risk.

Glenn has stated that that this is an unorthadox Prog Power, and that his new selection will maintain that.

Dark Tide,

Good post. The only thing that I will add is that I would rather book an act that is truly excited about the festival and the opportunity to do something special than just another big name that treats this as any other tour/festival appearance.

Glenn H.
Stingray11214 said:
How about a band that would appreciate it more? It would be pretty unconventional AND controversial. That band is the grandfather's of Finnish metal, TAROT!

I AGREE THIS WOULD BE THE BEST CHOICE, TAROT RULES:hotjump: , AND I THINK EVERYONE WOULD BE PLEASED. Well almost everyone, but hey you are never going to please everyone. Another good choice would be PRETTY MAIDS.:headbang:
The question is what band would be excited and happy to have the opportunity to come here and play. I can only hope that the answer is "Firewind." But any answer is a good one and i know Glenn will make the right choice. See you all there!
You are thinking along the same lines as me monalith99, but my guess is Mystic Prophecy. They don't have Gus G. any more, but judging from what I've heard of their upcoming disc he isn't missed all that much .. if at all.

MP is an under the radar type I think, but they are of the highest quality when it comes to Power Metal, and play at an energy level that will blow the roof off the house.

I don't think they would normally be a true headline status band, but this year I think they are because of certain circumstances, and I think they would go over very well. They seem to meet all the criteria that has been layed out.

They have a new disc coming out later this month (their 4th), and it's a face ripper. I just think they are one of those bands that would steal the show, and come out of Prog Power with a huge bunch of new fans.

Oh well, that's my guess anyway !! Even if it's not them I think they would make for a terrific Prog Power band in the near future.

Harvester said:
Dark Tide,

Good post. The only thing that I will add is that I would rather book an act that is truly excited about the festival and the opportunity to do something special than just another big name that treats this as any other tour/festival appearance.

Glenn H.
Could 'something special' mean something, or am I reading too much into it?
Hmmm...I think I might be on to something. This is a band with prog tendencies that has been around since the early 90's. They started out playing Death and Doom and then morphed into more of a Prog Rock ensemble of late. But a rebirth has occurred with a new lead singer, the implementation of their very unique early-day elements and their just released new album which is getting rave reviews.

Could it be Finland's very own AMORPHIS?