
24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Shane, do you plan on lining up another old school metal band for the showcase this year? IMO, I think that's a cool thing for you to attempt to do each year for those of us that weren't old enough to enjoy live 80s metal back in the day.

I'd like to see Metal Church or House of Lords lined up by the way! :headbang:

What other old school metal bands would you ProgPower Faithfuls like to see?
Dangerous Toys
Hallow's Eve
Dokken with George Lynch and Jeff Pilson
The Showcase or pre party was originally set up to have un signed bands play and since it has moved the mainstage that has obviously changed but from what I recall Glenn and Shane saying that were going to try and keep it about 50/50?
Why not give the bands that have been loyal on this board that are unsigned a chance at glory? Why not bring in Odin's Court, The Division, Overlorde or Suspyre? Even bands that have potential like Virginia's Engage or Jersey's Operatika would be a good fit for the showcase. You have your two headliners, now sprinkle the night with unsigned acts that would appreciate being there and would play their hearts out. That is what the Showcase should be about.

Ray C.
Why not give the bands that have been loyal on this board that are unsigned a chance at glory? Why not bring in Odin's Court, The Division, Overlorde or Suspyre? Even bands that have potential like Virginia's Engage or Jersey's Operatika would be a good fit for the showcase. You have your two headliners, now sprinkle the night with unsigned acts that would appreciate being there and would play their hearts out. That is what the Showcase should be about.

Ray C.
Hey Ray!

I like the way you think!!! Thanks!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
The Showcase or pre party was originally set up to have un signed bands play and since it has moved the mainstage that has obviously changed but from what I recall Glenn and Shane saying that were going to try and keep it about 50/50?

Bear has pretty much nailed it. I have 1 more band confirmed, with another not quite.

It's not that I don't want to book an older "80's" band, it's just that I have no "pattern" or anything that I necissarily go by. Not to say it won't happen in the future, but not this year for the Old School act.

Let's see how it all plays out :)

Why not give the bands that have been loyal on this board that are unsigned a chance at glory? Why not bring in Odin's Court, The Division, Overlorde or Suspyre? Even bands that have potential like Virginia's Engage or Jersey's Operatika would be a good fit for the showcase. You have your two headliners, now sprinkle the night with unsigned acts that would appreciate being there and would play their hearts out. That is what the Showcase should be about.

Ray C.

I couldn't agree more. :headbang: (even after Shane has responded) ;)
I'd like to see Metal Church or House of Lords lined up by the way!

As much as Metal Church rules, they seem to be touring a lot as of late, which would cut down on the draw for PP/Showcase if everyone has already seen them in their hometown. I saw them in Minneapolis back in Nov 2005 (I believe that was a full US tour) and they are doing another full US tour in Jan/Feb. Looking forward to seeing them again (Jan 15 here!), but I just think that would diminish the impact of having them in Atlanta (of course, they might be skipping the SE in those tours, so that would temper my point).

Someone mentioned Dangerous Toys! Love 'em! I would kill to be able to see them once someday. And this is a band that isn't together anymore. They did a reunion show last May, I think, in Dallas. I couldn't go because it was finals week at school. But if they could reunite for a show in Atlanta, that would draw some fans like me out for a show.