

Dec 14, 2007
So if anyone's listened to Leviathan's album Beholden to Nothing, Braver Since Then, any opinions? I like it, but I've seen the band labeled as 'Christian'. I can't find any lyrics right now to do a check on, and the quality on You Tube makes it hard to hear precisely what they're singing all the time. I don't mind a certain level of spiritual/religious references in my music, but I don't want to get it if its too preachy.
That's what they were labeled on You Tube. I guess it was a mistake then. Maybe people simply misinterpreted them due to the themes of the album.

Thanks, Ken. :)
I don't really pay a lot of attention to lyrics but I don't remember being hit over the head with a load of religious lyrics. Nothing overt at least.
I do tend to pay attention to lyrics, perhaps a bit too obsessively. But with that cleared up I think I'll not worry about it and get the album.