There should be a Prog Power Texas

I'm still alive, just recovering from the holidays :p

Looks like the Meridian isn't going to work out this year. It's a great facility but we really can't afford everything they're asking us to pay for.

Additionally, the powers that be would only allow us one day instead of two, regardless of us paying the rental fees. We don't want a 1-day festival that will cost a small fortune, so we decided to stop barking up that tree.


The new FBI will let us have full control for less than the cost of the Meridian. Plus there is a barbeque pit on the property that they fire up for several hours every day. Also, FBI is a few blocks away from one of our potential main sponsors. Color me crazy, but this sounds like a no-brainer!!!!! We'll see what happens...

Without the cost of the Meridian, we will be able to afford a few more bands! And yes, we will be deviating from a solely prog & power metal roster ;)

Luv ya!!
Yeah i had to send out "DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER" to find her hehehehehehehe, i am so glad to finally get to tell her all the things that have happened, damn i missed her, LOVE YA Tammy.
So, my personal opinion is that you should announce the bands that you already have... maybe? Start the buzz?

I think I'm damn impatient, aren't I?
Hopefully we will amke an announcement by the end of the week or first of next week. Just a couple of minor details to work out and then we will make it so.
This is a tough week for us, guys and gals. Please bear with us - we're trudgin along and will bring you the BEST damn Texas metal fest you've ever seen!!!

Things done ..lately..:
- STILL Tentative: Talked with a few other venues, should be getting an offer on the table from one of them by the end of this week or next.
- In Work: Decisions on VIP Badges - there might not be a "green room" so we may not have true "VIP" priviledges or backstage access.
- In Work: deciding what to do about the lack of vendor/merch space at nearly all of the venues. We may only have one vendor this year, Nightmare Records. Though we've been approached by other vendors, we want to make sure we have plenty of room for bands to sell their own merchandise, while also providing a table for our sponsor NMR.
- In Work: one of our initially confirmed bands is going back and forth on breaking up, getting back together, playing the fest, not playing the fest... we're supposed to know by the end of the day. I hope they don't say yes and then back out/break up again after we announce them. See, this is the reason we haven't made official announcements yet ;) Contracts can't be done until the venue is confirmed. Until contracts are done, I'm not letting a single band be announced... bad juju.
- Confirmed: We've decided on a webhost and the website layout is nearly complete. We should start filling in content within the next week.
- Cool thing we found out: the company we are trying to pursue as a main sponsor just happens to endorse 8 of our 10 bands :-D
- Confirmed: FataMorgana has changed the offical MySpace Group for Madfest to TEXAS MADFEST SUPPORTERS. You can find it here:

That's all for now... I'm going to start posting these updates as blogs on the TXMF 2007 Myspace too:

Nothing new to report this week, as we are still firming up some things, but stay tuned for an announcement this week.
Watchtower confirmed right? ;) I do hope so...

Hope things are going well (venue reservation and otherwise).