Recent content by fragility

  1. fragility

    America needs 22

    You should SOOOOO stock this
  2. fragility


  3. fragility


    Might want to have a look here
  4. fragility

    Circle of 12 Tones Game/Competition

    Great job :)
  5. fragility


    I think they have some hardcore influences, but it certainly doesnt override everything else, great band :)
  6. fragility

    Excessit Powertab

    Great job! I'm sure there'll be someon who disagrees and thinks its quite innacurate, but I'd be willing to bet that no-one will do a better one! Thanks :)
  7. fragility

    29 frets

    That is pretty sweet! I'd soooo buy a guitar with those inlays!!
  8. fragility

    Photo competition

    *giggles* Actually, we got so lost the first time that we went to go to Stonehenge and ended up having a drink in Canada.....there is apparently a very small village in the south of England called Canada.
  9. fragility

    Personal Guitar Lessons with Ron

    Ooooh, I'm even more excited about this now :)
  10. fragility

    Attention Mr. Jarzombek

    I really like it, can't wait to hear you get some stuff recorded, keep it coming :)
  11. fragility

    For anyone who may not have seen
  12. fragility

    ATHEIST Regroup!

    Although I don't aim it at anyone here.... Amen! ^ haha
  13. fragility

    OK - here's a band Spiral Architect fans may like: LINEAR SPHERE

    I don't think either is a "better" choice...more that they each provide something different. Some people might dislike the vocals, but then equally, I've heard a lot of people criticise Canvas Solaris for lacking emotion (I don't agree with either point), so I suppose it's all about what it is...
  14. fragility

    Favorite insects

    The only insect I like is the SA one, that thing is horrible^^ *shudders*
  15. fragility

    am i the only one with problem with laser edge .ram sample?

    Indeed, I love your descriptions Ken - they are actually honest!