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  1. fragility

    America needs 22

    You should SOOOOO stock this
  2. fragility


  3. fragility


    Might want to have a look here
  4. fragility

    Circle of 12 Tones Game/Competition

    Great job :)
  5. fragility


    I think they have some hardcore influences, but it certainly doesnt override everything else, great band :)
  6. fragility

    Excessit Powertab

    Great job! I'm sure there'll be someon who disagrees and thinks its quite innacurate, but I'd be willing to bet that no-one will do a better one! Thanks :)
  7. fragility

    29 frets

    That is pretty sweet! I'd soooo buy a guitar with those inlays!!
  8. fragility

    Photo competition

    *giggles* Actually, we got so lost the first time that we went to go to Stonehenge and ended up having a drink in Canada.....there is apparently a very small village in the south of England called Canada.
  9. fragility

    Personal Guitar Lessons with Ron

    Ooooh, I'm even more excited about this now :)
  10. fragility

    Attention Mr. Jarzombek

    I really like it, can't wait to hear you get some stuff recorded, keep it coming :)
  11. fragility

    For anyone who may not have seen
  12. fragility

    ATHEIST Regroup!

    Although I don't aim it at anyone here.... Amen! ^ haha
  13. fragility

    OK - here's a band Spiral Architect fans may like: LINEAR SPHERE

    I don't think either is a "better" choice...more that they each provide something different. Some people might dislike the vocals, but then equally, I've heard a lot of people criticise Canvas Solaris for lacking emotion (I don't agree with either point), so I suppose it's all about what it is...
  14. fragility

    Favorite insects

    The only insect I like is the SA one, that thing is horrible^^ *shudders*
  15. fragility

    am i the only one with problem with laser edge .ram sample?

    Indeed, I love your descriptions Ken - they are actually honest!
  16. fragility

    new album question

    Quality takes a, the best things come to those who wait..I'd given up all hope of it happening, so I'm just happy to know it will :)
  17. fragility

    Damn it!!

    Awesome, I can't wait :)
  18. fragility

    Open (alternate) tunings

    I usually have a guitar in E-C-G-C-G-C (H-L) cos I'm a big Devin Townsend fan. i usually like to play in that tuning without thinking about the fact that I am, makes for more interesting results that way
  19. fragility

    Asgeir, Machinations of Dementia???

    Dammit, I thought someone had already recommended you, which was why I didn't :(
  20. fragility

    WTF!? an one-eye kitten!?

    this made me very sad :(