Where Is Everyone Coming From?

Hey J-Dubya! I'm flying from Milwaukee too. Can you believe those prices for Midwest Express? Gotta love it.
So how is it we've both been to the previous two PP's and haven't met? We shall have to remedy that - would be nice to know someone local that actually likes decent music! ;)

I'll be flying out from the bay area... most likely I will be going solo, but if anyone wants to join me just let me know.

I am still slightly deaf from a show I went to last night.... maybe it was the fact I was standing next to Karl logans guitar speakers or the fact Joey's bass is louder then shit. oooooooh.....good show!
Edu, your friend named Tim by chance? I have another from CT coming, but I not sure where in CT is from, I thought the Danbury area...

And Jay, don't ever, ever let Jack Black hear you say that, as I am sure his father will condemn you to hell forever! :) Can't wait for the HBO shows to be on DVD...

Maybe Tenacious D should play at next year's ProgPower? Considering the are the greatest band in the world with the greatest song in the world...
Dustin - If you ONLY knew how much crap I put up with from my own family about that! LOL!

Alicia - I couldn't BELIEVE the prices. Not only do I LOVE that airline, you just can't beat flying out of Milwaukee. Look for a Jack Black lookalike wearing a Mesa Boogie hat. That'll be me.
If I smell like tequila, approach with caution! hehehehehe :p

I feel for those driving here from various 'parts unknown'. I am one of the chosen few to be from Georgia, and less than an hour's drive from the show. I live practically 45 mins. due west of the venue. I missed the pre-show party last year due to work, but I am taking vacation this year if necessary to make it.
If anyone has any further questions concerning the area, the venue, or anything Georgian, please feel free to write. I made a few new friends last year and look forward to making more this time around.
See you all there!

Take care and STAY TRUE!!!

So far it looks as though I am one of the few people coming from Texas. Prog isn't popular here in dallas either, all local bands are alternative or hardcore metal. My band is like thrash/power metal. I flew last year to PP, and I am doing the same this year. A few of my friends are driving up there. November, DAMN, too much of a wait, I want progpower to be tomorrow.
Originally posted by JayDubya
I'll be flying in out of Milwaukee, WI on the BEST airline, Midwest Express. Rates for Hot-Lanta are currently $154!!!!!!!!
Cheaper than driving!


Hey, I'll be flying out of Milwaukee too. Haven't gotten tickets yet, though. What flight are you taking? Good to see you using the best care in the air... ;)
