There should be a Prog Power Texas

And the horde continues to grow!!:headbang:

Honestly, I'd like to get an official announcement out before the end of the year, at least regarding the dates of the fest. We're working hard to make that happen, but John & I have a lot to do in our personal lives between now and January. Everyone hang on to that enthusiam and anticipation! We luv ya for it!
Honestly, I'd like to get an official announcement out before the end of the year, at least regarding the dates of the fest. We're working hard to make that happen, but John & I have a lot to do in our personal lives between now and January. Everyone hang on to that enthusiam and anticipation! We luv ya for it!

Yeah we do, but rest assured all we will be working on this every free minute we have. I guess we can announce the dates right now. The date for Texas Madfest is Friday July 13 and Sat July 14. We are still in the process of confirming the venue but that should be done by the end of next week. Then we will announce the bands. Justin is working on the web site, and i have decided on a host for it, so that will be up and running soon also. Most of the bands are verbally confirmed, we are just waiting on a couple to get back with us. Same with the sponsors. The ticket issue right now is the biggest headache, but we will have that taken care of soon.
I thought i was going to have to have major surgery(Hip Replacement) but after a few more Dr. Appts we decided on a passive approach(Physical Therapy, and so other stuff) so that has been put wayyyyyyyyyy on the back burner. I now know what Sir Glenn goes through(to a smaller extent) each year to bring us the best festival in the world. If the headaches we are having is even 10% of what he goes thru each year then I bow to him and his presistance, and there had not be another person to slam the line up or any decision he makes or i will get my Texas undies in a knot, and well.... lets just say until you walk a mile in his shoes don't say a word.
Glenn's job is probably easier than yours in many ways at this point. He has a system down, he has a venue, he has his support team, he has equipment, he has experience, he has a validation in many bands eyes, he has a loyal following, he knows he's going to sell decently well, etc.

But I'm sure he still has a million stresses that come with finding bands, booking bands, dealing with bitchers and moaners, dealing with overpriced hotels, and logistics.

Those dates are pretty good. Based on who you get I know I'll try hard to go.
It all takes time. You may make mistakes. But if you do, do not have it done towards any band. Or else they will never forgive you. Good luck. Any questions please ask.
Honestly, I'd like to get an official announcement out before the end of the year, at least regarding the dates of the fest. We're working hard to make that happen, but John & I have a lot to do in our personal lives between now and January. Everyone hang on to that enthusiam and anticipation! We luv ya for it!

Well then you have about ten days left for said announcement.:cool:
Keep your boots on!!!!!! It's Christmas and with the holidays it's hard to even get in touch with anyone so give us a few more days and we will start making some announcements. OH YEAH MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the TEXAS MADFEST guys and gals that have posted here with ideas and suggestions. It was you guys and gals that got Tammy and I started. It has been stressful to say the least, but damn it's fun, and i wouldn't change a thing. Just so you people know Tammy is the most awesome person to work with, and i love her dearly. Also Shane(we couldn't do this withour you my brother), Mike Martin(you also), Drew Creel( You guys were the first and we love you for it), Bryan(you bastard, you got us started on this monster(, Rusty, Justin(Our web Master), Deron, and Glenn(for all the advice), thanks to each and everyone of you
Well I received my christmas present of a plane ticket anywhere in the US, so I get to pick Powerfest or Madfest. SO LETS ANNOUNCE SOME BANDS!!!