ProgPower USA VII: Two Bands Confirmed


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Never let it be said that I am predictable. I have decided to kick off the year right and release the two bands. There will be method to madness in releasing the other bands over the next two months so don't bother asking. The date of the festival will be released tomorrow so come back in the morning to find that out.

Pyramaze and Wastefall are confirmed as your opening acts. Mp3s are up in the audio section.


Glenn H.
Never heard of Wastefall, but Pyramaze is a great choice. Nice to see Lance King will be doing more than just selling records this year!

Steve in Philly
Dark One said:
YES!! Zod will be pleased!
NOT ONLY IS ZOD EXCITED< I almost shit in my pants. PYRAMAZE HELL YES AND WASTEFALL you got to be shitting me they are awesome WOOOOHOOOO from Greece and PROGRESSIVE TO THE MAX.:hotjump:
Thanks Glenn!!! Pleased with the two announced bands as well as the dates you'll be putting up tomarrow. As it is with any workplace September vacation requests fill up fast...and I will be in GA!
PYRAMAZE!!! Yes! one of my predictions! HUZZAH!!!

Wastefall - never heard of them, but will check samples as soon as I can find some (and arrive home from work to listen to them).

Thanks Glen - consider my day MADE! (sorry - must not shit my pants here at work)



Rider of Theli said:
Wastefall - never heard of them, but will check samples as soon as I can find some (and arrive home from work to listen to them).


I would consider checking my audio section for two mp3s from their last disc. Let me also add that I better not hear any "where's the prog?" questions from the masses this year based on that pick alone.


Glenn H.

Great first two bands, can't wait to see the rest of the line-up!! You rule and i look forward to seeing you again. This year i am going to bring someone who has never been to progpower.

talk to you soon.

Please don't let Pain of Salvation play this year, too, because if they met up with Wastefall backstage it would be like that episode of Seinfeld where they met up with the bizarro Seinfelds...a rip in the space/time continuum...
urinalcakemix said:
Im liking this WAstefall track. ITs generic, but it isnt. Its cool.

I have heard Wastefall described by many people that don't like them, but I don't think "generic" has ever been included in that description.


Glenn H.
Kevin Madden said:
Please don't let Pain of Salvation play this year, too, because if they met up with Wastefall backstage it would be like that episode of Seinfeld where they met up with the bizarro Seinfelds...a rip in the space/time continuum...


Glenn H.
Harvester said:
I have heard Wastefall described by many people that don't like them, but I don't think "generic" has ever been included in that description.


Glenn H.

I mean, they take traditional power metal if you will, and add a weird spin on it. Perhaps Traditional was more appropriate than generic?

I liked it, I just didn't know how to properly describe my feelings. Being young and stupid sucks .
urinalcakemix said:
I mean, they take traditional power metal if you will, and add a weird spin on it. .

I'm still stumped as I don't find any power metal at all in the band. They have a very quirky, Pain of Salvation vibe going on but with a much heavier thump. In fact, your description fits Pyramaze more in my book.

To each their own though...

Glenn H.