What is the best CD of all time?

I don't think I could choose a best CD of all time, but I think I have a favorite track of all time, Helloween's "Laudate Dominum" from the "Better then Raw" album. I think I could put that one track on auto-repeat for infinity and never get bored of it.
If I were faced with this choice I'd probably die of anxiety or something trying to pick! Strange how many of my tops are listed here as well. O:M, Awaken the Guardian, Painkiller).

I would add to the list: Crimson Glory - Transcendence and King Diamond - THEM
House of Spirits - Turn of the Tide

Whatever happened to these guys?

I'm thinking they got swallowed up in the prog metal flood that happened in Europe. They released another cd Psychosphere about 3 or 4 years after the debut. It was good also, but maybe not as good as TotT. They drew alot of comparisons to Queensryche. I think the drummer was from Running Wild?
House of Spirits - Turn of the Tide

Whatever happened to these guys?

Nice choice!

This CD is actually listed on my DJ myspace page in my top 20 favs of all time.

So is one of Derons picks , Crimson Glorys Transcendence and a few others who picked Images And Words (Thats my 2nd fav of all time).
I prefer the masterpiece "Piece in Mind" by Maiden myself

Although I don't really see Iron Maiden as having weak songs, I feel that PoM has weaker songs than SiT. I think every song on SiT is strong, especially the last half of the album. However, PoM is definately a winner, no doubt about that. Both are masterpieces, but I think SiT is better.