Corset night tradition?

I know a fantastic trainer in Phoenix if you're interested.

Thanks! I actually belong to a gym that is about 3 blocks from my house, and I know a couple of the trainers I would probably use one of them. Sadly, HAVING a gym membership and USING the gym membership are two completely different concepts... :lol:
Dunno if any of you ladies will be at Dragon*Con the week before ProgPower, but if I read the list correctly, there are no less than four corset-makers listed for the dealers room or the exhibit halls. (!)
Dunno if any of you ladies will be at Dragon*Con the week before ProgPower, but if I read the list correctly, there are no less than four corset-makers listed for the dealers room or the exhibit halls. (!)

Mistress Meana will be there, so if you are local, check her out :) tell her Sweet Su sent you
I can't get any for a while, am staying with my parents for a month. And my mum came across my collection this very evening and was properly horrified!
To think I've successfully kept them from her so carefully for years only to fail now!
Thanks! I actually belong to a gym that is about 3 blocks from my house, and I know a couple of the trainers I would probably use one of them. Sadly, HAVING a gym membership and USING the gym membership are two completely different concepts... :lol:

A word to the wise: those major chain gym trainers are useless. "here, do this machine and i'll come back in about 20 minutes."
A word to the wise: those major chain gym trainers are useless. "here, do this machine and i'll come back in about 20 minutes."

It's actually more of a "medium" chain gym. I know both of the trainers, and they are very diligent.

Unfortunately, I'm headed hyperthyroid again, which sucks, except that it IS a legitimate excuse for not doing weight training! :lol: It would be nice if I could *lose* weight like many folks who go hyper, but nooooooo... :mad:
A word to the wise: those major chain gym trainers are useless. "here, do this machine and i'll come back in about 20 minutes."

Depends on the trainer, and pretty much fits the form of "you get what you pay for". If your trainer does the "here do this" and constantly walks off, time to find a new trainer. Found that to be the case at LA Fitness in Ansley, when the head trainer was actually arguing with me over my goals and needs due to injury. Basically comes down to, if you're not willing to make the trainer do his/her job, try someone else.

I'm lucky though, my current trainer is part of a sports oriented organization and is attached to my Jiu Jitsu academy. They have my injury list on file, along with my list of weak/strong muscles. Did a good eval and my trainer is constantly paying attention to any changes. Yardley can attest to this, and now knows why I refer to him as my Sadist.
Haha. I've found nothing beats a good trainer. And your right, you do get what you pay for. Mine charges $45 a session, but it's worth every penny. :) Glad you've got a good one too. F-ck LA Fitness, useless assholes.
Oooh found some inexpensive corsets (not to be confused with cheap corsets, mind you) on eBaY..there may be hope for me yet :)