Things I've noticed recently...


Mar 1, 2004
Well, its time for the annual trip to Atlanta but it seems this year is a little different than years past. I don't see or feel the abundance of excitement there usually is leading up to the show. The ProgPower forum used to be jumping with excitement; new threads, tons of postings etc...This year seems a bit slower than years past.

I'm certain that the shows will be a success, they always are. I just feel a change has happened around here, which is probably why Glenn has to play it by ear and take a day to day approach with regards to the future...

Seeyou guys Thursday!
I'm practically wetting my pants to get to the shows. But I'm working 12+ hour days for my three day week leading up to it.
What purpose is there for you to post this massive wet blanket post right before the festivities begin? Fuck, what a boner killer you are.

That said, my FB feed has been literally blowing UP with excitement.
The ProgPower forum used to be jumping with excitement; new threads, tons of postings etc...This year seems a bit slower than years past.

I believe a large part of former forum discussions have not ceased, but instead moved to facebook.

I believe a large part of former forum discussions have not ceased, but instead moved to facebook.


Yep!! Although I was never a big poster on the forums to begin with. But that's just me!

AAHHHH!!! We're almost there!!
most of the customary pre-fest threads, were start months ago, I think that has played a part in it as well.
It takes me a lot less time to get ready since I'm a "pro" now.
I have much less anxiety about getting ready, forgetting things or travel arrangements.
The excitement builds a lot closer to the festival, yet seems more intense.
I spend as much time discussing ProgPower on FB as I do on the forum.
I now find some forum topics repetitive only because I've posted in them year after year.
Repeated experiences will often change from where they began, but that doesn't make them less enjoyable.

Couple hours til flight time! Better lay off the coffee - I'm bouncing! :Smokin:
What purpose is there for you to post this massive wet blanket post right before the festivities begin? Fuck, what a boner killer you are.

That said, my FB feed has been literally blowing UP with excitement.

Sorry nailz, wasn't meant to be a boner kill. Just please don't rub up on anybody with that Progressive Woodrow while at the show.

I'm excited also about the festivities. I guess people just aren't arguing stupidly about cd vs downloads, quality of mp3 vs actual discs or FLAC, etc... so it doesn't have the fieryness of past forums.

...and yeah, there is alot of action on facebook, just not the usual interaction of the forums

Sorry guys, see ya in a few hours! Can't wait for that 1st Sweetwater IPA and a big greasy pizza from Vespucci's!
I guess people just aren't arguing stupidly about cd vs downloads, quality of mp3 vs actual discs or FLAC, etc... so it doesn't have the fieryness of past forums.

I haven't noticed those particular kinds of threads popping up in the days leading up to the show in the past. They pop up all the time during the rest of the year though. The fact that they're not raging right now is kinda nice because those kinds of threads just go in circles anyways.

The customary pre-fest threads are here. The "when are you getting here thread", the vendors each have threads peddling their wares, so to speak, there's even a what shirts are you wearing thread.

I'm not on facebook so I can't gauge the hype over there but I think most everyone is HYPE.
I'm on fire with anticipation. Monday night I couldn't fall asleep all night because I was already so psyched. This morning I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. I have to work just a few more hours and then I'm hitting the road! yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahh
Its definitely slamming on FB,every time I post a pic on the PP event page I get a ton of likes.
I usually don't get into full Prog Power mode till today(wed)as for the 4th straight year I spend the Sat till Tues shooting with models in the Keys(anyone who is a FB friend can see what I shot this year) so I'm 100% consumed with this and barely paying attention(even moreso this year as the model hates all metal,she is a 100% country girl)as I have to try to keep ahead of my edits by the time the fest starts because by Thurs evening I am editing pics from the shows.:headbang:
I am about 7 hours away in O Town headed north on the Fla Turnpike cranking Myrath so I am now in full ProgPower brain nourishing mode:headbang: