Do you mind headbanging at Progpower

Headbanging... yea or nay.

  • Yes it bother me

    Votes: 10 7.9%
  • No it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 117 92.1%

  • Total voters
are you f---ing kidding me???? complaining about HEADBANGING?

at a METAL SHOW????????

what's next? "Damn it, I HATE when people do the wave at ballgames."

well if you read the thread you'll see its not complaining, per se.
Telling a headbanger not to headbang is like saying, "Hey fish! Stop that swimming!!!" :)

I think headbanging is great. Neck injuries pay my salary because when I'm not taking concert photos, I'm really a mild-mannered massage therapist. So by all means, have a great time and give yourself whiplash. :lol: I just have one request for those in the front row at PPUSA: Please try not to whack us photographers in the pit with your heads or any other body parts. That's happened to me (at other shows) and it really, really hurts. :)


I'm saving one for you this year Chris. =p
I actually had some pansy tell me to stop headbanging at a show. I just gave him an incredulous look and kept headbanging. Ok, I changed my angle a little to not hit him so much.
SO... does it bother you?

YES! Especially if they have VERY long hair. It hurts if it is thrown around and whaps me on my head. :OMG:

Seriously - the last time I was at Jaxx, someone did that and really pissed me off. Damn near gave the guy an elbow to his chest. :mad: :mad:

What else pisses me off is when people jump up and down and don't look around to see if they move around as they jump, that they land on someone and can hurt them. :cry:

Several times I've been stepped on because some d**k head did that. If it weren't for the fact that I have to go through a metal detector at the airport, I'd seriously consider taking my steel toed shoes. One to keep my feet from getting stomped on, and the other to kick them where the sun doesn't shine.
Clearing out the space around you is a sign of a tireless, possessed headbanger.

I think I've gotten to this state once. Cathedral, 2003. I was ready to puke because the hair was whipping over my face and hitting my throat, haha. People were coming up to me telling me how awesome my headbanging was. That was weird.

If anyone had bothered me during the set to bitch, I can imagine the scene resembling the chorus to Bonded By Blood. :p
No one is saying that there shouldn't be any headbanging. Read the thread. I think that the wording of the poll*, has confused people. It would suck to have no one headbanging at a concert! But, some of us don't like it when some long haired people are dicks about it. I realize that most head bangers aren't dicks about it though. When I had long hair, I looked back, now and then. But when someone finds out that they've been hitting people with their hair and keep doing it, I don't care what bullshit excuse you come up with, there's no doubt about are being a DICK! And yes the offended ones should move too. By both long haired being respectful and the people behind them not being stubborn, we can ALL have a great PP experience.

*Instead it should have said:

  • Headbanging should be done with respect to others
  • Headbanging should be done without respect to others.
If it bothers you, go sit down.


Is PP starting to get politically correct?? I can't EVEN BELIEVE this thread was started. I agree with no moshing or crowd surfing, but headbanging is part of it.

Future threads:

1. Do you mind people throwing the horns??
2. Do you mind people yelling the lyrics??
3. Do you mind people drinking in the venue??
4. Do you mind profanity?? (FUCK no!!)
5. Do you mind the music being loud??
6. Do you mind guitars in the bands??
7. Do you mind people moving??

Chris :headbang:
Apparently you haven't been the official Prog Power golf tournament.

I suck at real golf, but give me a putter and a windmill and I'll kick your ass. :)

And for our longer haired friends who headbang (I exclude my short haired self) maybe just a hair scrunchy (um, but more masculine) and a pony tail would keep some of the flying frizz away from others. Ah yes, the official PP8 headbangers hair scrunchy...
Oh. My. God.

I thought it was bad enough with people threatening not to come this year if there was a chance a light might shine in their face temporarily. Excuse me for wanting a concert going experience not akin to sitting in my living room with headphones, being careful not to scrunch up the carpet by toetapping too hard.

:heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh
No way do I mind. It's hard for me to go to a metal show
and not head bang if the song is right for it. Now I think it's kinda silly to do so on slow song's like I have seen people do before. To the point it annoys me because in those song's I want to get lost in the emotion and not someone's hair.
This thread totally was going off in the wrong direction. I never meant to put a normative connotation (good/bad, right/wrong) to headbanging, it was just to see if people are bothered with someone with long hair headbanding in front of you (a subjective opinion).

Everybody seems to be putting down those who say they are bothered, and seeing as how no one has actually said such a thing I can only assume they are talking TO me. Sorry but I like headbanging, this thread wasn't about changing opnions just hearing everyone else's. I can only apologize for the slight ambiguity to the aim of this thread but I can't apologize for those who took kept steering it in such direction; after all the cause from those who didn't read the explanation I tried to give each and every single page.
I'm all for both headbanging, crowdsurfing, and mosh pits. I know not everyone on this forum will agree with me. I feel it all comes with the territory of liking metal music. As long as you respect people around you who don't want to be bother then i see no problem with mosh pits or headbanging .

I been to power/prog shows from iced earth, blind guardian, mago de oz, evergrey, dragonforce, sonata arctica, nevermore, ect.. where those shows have definetly had more then their fair share of mosh pits. i thought it was ok because it wasn't a handcore dance/slam pit where people throw punches and swing arms for the purpose of hurting others.

like i said i know not all will agree with me but thats my opinion.
Cover Your Beer, Guzzle Your Beer or Get Off The Dance Foor! hehehe~

I'm usually aware of where my locks are going though... :)

BUT METAL IS METAL.... Headbanging Happens.... People Jump Up and with it.... just no horizontal movement at PP... Per Glenn's request...

I mean what's metal without headbangin' I say!!!! aaaaAAARRRRGGGGHH!!!

No only no, but hell no!

are you f---ing kidding me???? complaining about HEADBANGING?

at a METAL SHOW????????

what's next? "Damn it, I HATE when people do the wave at ballgames."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wonder if this thread includes windmilling as well????? hahaha

Damn, Boob... Does this mean I can't do the wave anymore at Braves games?