Posters and Name tags...

That's a great picture, dude!
Like the photo, Drew, but the green star is detracting from the tassel on that totally awesome hat. Could you just take that one off? (FIXED)

Hmm, mixed feelings on the "peepswiddaband" photos. It is a bit of a distraction trying to find the forum face amidst a group shot, but with a single person, easier. As for the purpose, the poster is mainly to help us all put faces to the names in the forum, but it also gives us a bit of a chance to "show off" too; show off our sexy side, our silly side, our metal side, etc.

I just realized, since I do the poster, I never post a photo in the thread, limiting my chance to show off a little. Hmm, which side do I want to show? Ah, how about some metal. Those of you on my Facebook page have seen this, but for those who haven't I'd love to show you my new metal:

Now if that ain't metal, I don't know what is.

But no, that's not going on the poster, but for those of you who don't know me, I'll be the short, blond in the sexy outfits wearing big clunky sports shoes, probably drinking a beer. Cheers!
The wife and I in Hyde Park, London.


Nice photo!! I just got back from London about 3 weeks ago, but it was quite a whirlwind trip. Next time, I will definitely build in a little more time to chill. :) I did visit Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park on a Sunday, which was a hoot!

I'll just call you the world traveler now. Trying to fill up your passport? :)

LOL - This was my first overseas trip, so 3 down, about 100 to go! (And I had to pay 2 Euros for one of them at the Tourist Office in Lichtenstein! :lol:) The good news is that border crossings are pretty easy between most of the EU countries...but the bad news is you get fewer stamps!

Hmm, mixed feelings on the "peepswiddaband" photos. It is a bit of a distraction trying to find the forum face amidst a group shot, but with a single person, easier.

I actually enjoy seeing pics of fans striking a metal pose with their favorite long as it's easy to pick the forum folks out of the crowd.
Nice photo!! I just got back from London about 3 weeks ago, but it was quite a whirlwind trip. Next time, I will definitely build in a little more time to chill. :) I did visit Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park on a Sunday, which was a hoot!
What did you think of London? I wasn't impressed. Bad food, shit weather (even in summer) and higher prices than even NYC. I wouldn't go back.

What did you think of London? I wasn't impressed. Bad food, shit weather (even in summer) and higher prices than even NYC. I wouldn't go back.


Where were you eating in London? Everywhere my mom and I ate, the food was fantastic! Even the pub food was really very good. Incredibly fattening, but good. In fact, we even had nice weather while we were there...
What did you think of London? I wasn't impressed. Bad food, shit weather (even in summer) and higher prices than even NYC. I wouldn't go back.


Interesting…I had exactly the opposite opinion! In fact, I just re-did my monthly budget to start saving for another London trip! (I want to visit Vienna as well).

I agree 100% about the expense…and I didn’t think the food wasn’t that spectacular…but I loved the architecture, the history, the tradition, the performing arts, the ease of getting around on the Tube, and, of course, the cool British accents. :)

They actually had unseasonably HOT weather while I was there. I made the trip to attend Wimbledon…this was the first year they’ve had the retractable roof in operation for Centre Court, and they only had one 20-minute rain delay the entire two weeks. I suppose I might have a different opinion of the city if I’d gotten rained on for a solid week! :lol:
What did you think of London? I wasn't impressed. Bad food, shit weather (even in summer) and higher prices than even NYC. I wouldn't go back.


I know this wasnt directed at me but I was in London back in 2006, and I cant agree enough about the "bad food" comment. Good Lord their beef/meat is fucking horrendous! Only decent thing I could find was Pizza......LOL.

I wasnt all that impressed myself but I really didnt get time to enjoy it. I was traveling with Pagan's Mind on their UK mini tour with PowerQuest at the time, and we were in and out of a bunch of places in just 1 day.

Historically I think it was pretty interesting to visit UK especially since I live in "New England" here in the States but overall I wasnt that impressed. The prices were outrageous as you mentioned too.

I did enjoy places like Salisbury though. Seeing Stonehenge in person was fascinating!

Weather was complete SHIT. Rained everyday at some point or another.

Can I make a request/ suggestion? That if you are going to post a picture of yourself for the poster, you just post it of yourself? (Or with you and other posters/people coming). The posters always look cool, but I was slightly annoyed at seeing X person with X band about 18 times last year. I think if we cut the guess-who-I-know-are-you-impressed pictures out of the poster, we'd have a hell of a lot more room for the people posting here, and also cut back on confusion/chaos/clutter for the new people who may want to find the actual posters.
Just my thoughts.

That's a joke right? (edited for foul language :))))

Just my thoughts.
Interesting…I had exactly the opposite opinion! In fact, I just re-did my monthly budget to start saving for another London trip! (I want to visit Vienna as well).

I agree 100% about the expense…and I didn’t think the food wasn’t that spectacular…but I loved the architecture, the history, the tradition, the performing arts, the ease of getting around on the Tube, and, of course, the cool British accents. :)
That's cool. Hope you have a great time when you get back.

AMBR, I can't remember which pic(s) you used of me last year, but just go with the same one(s). Much like Dr. Zarkov in Flash Gordon, "I haven't changed." :lol:
Dude, your faith in my organizational abilities is misplaced. :lol:
Let me see if I can find it.

Hadn't thought about a deadline, but really should set one. Let's make it August 31 so I have time to get it done and printed. I've already placed all the photos that have been posted, and the poster isn't even 1/3 full, so let's get some more photos!! (Or I'll have to blow all of them up to super size - that is a threat! :heh: )
Can I make a request/ suggestion? That if you are going to post a picture of yourself for the poster, you just post it of yourself? (Or with you and other posters/people coming).

As I was looking at the pics in the thread this year (quit reading because of all the off-topic junk) I kept thinking, "These people must not want to be recognized." Most people have great pictures, but others will be crap for helping to recognize somebody from the boards, especially when you consider that these pictures will be fairly small and surrounded by a ton of other pictures of people you don't know.