...guys, i am curious...again...

Sep 19, 2004
...why is it that guys are more into this type of music than girls are?...

...i would think because of the look of the guys in the bands, that more women would be interested...i mean...i am shallow like that ;)...

...ok, ok...the music does ROCK....:headbang:
I've been wondering this myself for the past 20 years. None of my friends who are girls listen to the same music as me. Thus, I have more male friends than female. Not that I'm complaining.:D
Perhaps it is because the women who do listen to this type of music are usually those women who do not follow the trends...don't hang in cliques and don't think they need to be vapid pop loving chickies to attract the men. We women who love this music are strong, and independant, and intelligent and witty, and we know our own minds and selves. We love the music because it moves us...not because it's the in-flavour of the season. And the men who love us because of that...well they ROCK! Let's hear it for us ladies!

I didn't really know about it till someone smothered me in it. My partner listens to progrock, but it's not stuff I'm interested in. When I was introduced, I loved it, combined the things I like about some of the goth bands I listened to and the metal bands I listen to. Now, I'm hooked.
I got into prog metal in my late teens (very early '90s) because a) I already liked rock in general, and b) I was looking for something more complex than the standard eMpTyV shite. Pretentious was okay, as long as it was intellectually stimulating. Cute guys are always a bonus, but I was looking for content.

And back in those days, being a female at a prog show was equivalent to being a female in a Wizards of the Coast shop. Unwashed, acne-prone young men who were thoroughly unused to the presence of XX genes other than relatives, mouths slightly open with disbelief. Complexity has always attracted the OCD male youth who need something to obsess over, who need to be able to say "I can comprehend and reproduce this!" Irene and Babs were on the Ytsejam mailing list with me ten years ago when it was (literally) 1000-1200 subscribers with about 10-15 actively posting females, including us.

The ratio has improved drastically over the years... the rise in popularity of the Web helped a lot, I think.
I remember those days Jaime!!! Hard to believe 10 years have gone by. You'll never know how thankful I was to find the Dream Theater list when we first got wired in to the 'net on campus.

All I could think of was "there's more people like me out there", then when I found girls on there it was "yay, I'm not the only girl here!!!!"
I'm actually more into death metal, but I digress... Metal is metal is metal.

I love metal for a lot of reasons:

  • The complexity of the songs- lyrics, drums, bass, guitar, vocals
  • The emotion. Anyone can write a song about heart breaks... Only true metal can do it with such finesse and anger
  • It lets me take my aggression out.
  • I can relate to it.
  • Yes, the men are hot as hell.
  • I'm a rebel anyway.
  • The vocals are amazing (especially in prog/power)
  • The bands usually write their own music. BIG BONUS! They have brains!
  • It's a place where I fit in and stand out at the same time.

I am with you guys, I have very few female friends and a lot of guy friends. Of course I am into Death Metal and Horror too and that it is even harder to find girls into those things. I want more girl friends, I miss it.
rottingflesh said:
I am with you guys, I have very few female friends and a lot of guy friends. Of course I am into Death Metal and Horror too and that it is even harder to find girls into those things. I want more girl friends, I miss it.

If you are into Six Feet Under, check out the "Double Dead" DVD and watch the song 4:20. You'll see a chick get on stage and dive... Yep, that's me!

That is too cool MetalRose. I used to dig Six Feet but have not really listened to them in a while. We will definitely have to hang out next year. :)
Coldfire Mouse said:
Perhaps it is because the women who do listen to this type of music are usually those women who do not follow the trends...don't hang in cliques and don't think they need to be vapid pop loving chickies to attract the men. We women who love this music are strong, and independant, and intelligent and witty, and we know our own minds and selves. We love the music because it moves us...not because it's the in-flavour of the season. And the men who love us because of that...well they ROCK! Let's hear it for us ladies!


Well said Coldie!! I agree with you 100% on all points. Most of the women I know do not like this type of music, and think that I am a bit of a freak because I do. I mean, really, how many female scientists with PhDs who develop content for medical education programs listened to Tad Morose on their way into work this morning? I'll bet just me, heh heh. :D

Rock on! :headbang:

One word: socialization. Metal is more aggressive, hence it's not "appropriate" for "girls," so most women are hardly even aware of it.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. :) As for me, I listened to stuff like Whitesnake and Poison when i was like 11, 12, then I had a friend who had older brothers who introduced us to stuff like Metal Church and Nuclear Assault back in the late 80's. I can't say why it appealed to me, but it did. And it's been downhill ever since. :D
You know, I am loving reading the thoughts posted in this thread. Thanks for bringing up a great topic, Delicate Flower :)

Okay, my reasons are similar in many ways, but very different in others. My tastes range from Classical to Death/insert-your-fav-heavy-gendre-here and almost everything in between (NOT into sappy county, mainstream pop and rap/hip-hop). I generally lean toward Progressive Metal and that's about what I have in rotation at any given moment.

Now my reasons:

1. Mostly intelligent music. Even with the cookie monster vocal thing going on, most Death/insert-your-fav-heavy-gendre-here musicians and bands are schooled not only in their prospective instruments, but in theory as well. Theory can be a bitch and I have respect for any musician who takes the time to learn and then utilize that knowledge.

2. Definitely the aggressive tendencies, lol. Deep down, I think we all have dark places in our minds. Musical therapy, so-to-speak :)

3. Oh hell yes, the vocals. I hate wimpy vocalists. You seldom hear kick ass male singers in any other gendre(s). Even those that CAN sing like a Mother F*cker tend to get lost in the bureaucracy of the music business, and most don't/can't write a song to save their lives (with the proverbial exception of course)

4. I AM a musician. Music is my 2nd languange, learned how to read music before I could read English! lol When I listen to and watch this stuff being played, I'm picking apart what is going on. Trying to understand exactly why they did that progression there. What intervals are they using. How the melodies play off each other. The time and key signature changes... This music challenges my musical mind like no other, save for classical. I respect the artists and the fans alike because, I think, it takes a higher level of intelligence and creativity to truly understand the complexity of the music. Besides, there is NOTHING like writing this stuff and collaborating with others in the creation of it. Like Jordan Rudess once said, "It's amazing what two simples chords can accomplish!" Especially when those chords are in the hands of gifted musicians :)

Now what I would like to know is, are there any other female musicians around here? :)
13ShadesofGray said:
Now what I would like to know is, are there any other female musicians around here? :)

Does this answer your question?


Although I'm not very good at it. :p
