My personal thoughts on the Kamelot situation

Bummed to hear that Roy is no longer in the band, however, it's not too surprising to find out he's found religion. Just listening the lyrics of Kamelot tells me he's been looking for a long time and he's finally found it. Good for him! Kamelot will go on.
hey, what was Kamelot's first singer's name again?

Cannot remember either? that's my point.

Marc Vanderbilt actually, and he was pretty damn good. Fabio is much closer to his style than to Khan's, so I'm hoping to see some OLD material on this tour.
hey, what was Kamelot's first singer's name again?

Mark Vanderbilt, some subpar Midnight clone. Guessing he's available now?

TribunalRecords said:
Cannot remember either? that's my point. The band is "the band" and singers can change and it's simply the beginnging of a new era.

Funny how well Kamelot has handled this whole mess opposed to Dream Theater, eh?! hahaha.

Though I had a feeling Khan was history at the time he left, what I don't get is all the silence. It is near insanity. But, though i greatly appreciate your view on this, Glenn, I have a question: What do you mean by "finding religion"?

There are probably many born-again Christians on the board, as there are in bands. Theocracy and Rob Rock to name two. Many people who have found religion see it as such a euphoric experience that they need to share it with others. Randy Bachmann, Cat Stevens and Neil Morse are examples of those who shared their conversions to various faiths to the world. I mean if Khan accepted Christ as his Savior, or believed that Muhammad was the prophet of Allah, and felt that Kamelot's music was not compatible with his new found faiths, would he not say so? Is it that hard to say, "Dear Kamelotians, .........recently I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.......after study, I need to eliminate these past sins of my involvement in acceptance of Christ's teachings preclude me from singing about murder, satanic imagery and is with immediate effect that I am removing myself as the frontman for Kamelot.....I wish nothing but success for Kamelot in the years down the road. Yours in Christ, Roy Saertre Khantatat. (Before I get a lynch mob, this is ONLY for example!)

Some people use religion as an excuse for their behavior. Khan could possibly be using religion as an out. I don't know this for certain, but it is a possibility.

And just because one is a Christian doesn't mean they'll be okay with metal. I've encountered plenty of Christians who insist that anything heavy metal is satanic, and that if it's a Christian metal band, then it's not really Christian because it's a METAL band. Has Khan gone this route? I certainly hope not, but some folks do, and there is a chance, however slim, that he feels that way, too.

As for why he hasn't said anything...who knows? Maybe he is worried about the backlash. Many people who are not Christian get very ugly towards Christians.

But anything regarding Khan's departure, reasons for leaving, and subsequent silence is all speculation.

I really do wish Kamelot the best, with or without Khan, and I'm confident they will keep releasing quality music, regardless.
Some people use religion as an excuse for their behavior. Khan could possibly be using religion as an out. I don't know this for certain, but it is a possibility.

And just because one is a Christian doesn't mean they'll be okay with metal. I've encountered plenty of Christians who insist that anything heavy metal is satanic, and that if it's a Christian metal band, then it's not really Christian because it's a METAL band. Has Khan gone this route? I certainly hope not, but some folks do, and there is a chance, however slim, that he feels that way, too.

As for why he hasn't said anything...who knows? Maybe he is worried about the backlash. Many people who are not Christian get very ugly towards Christians.

But anything regarding Khan's departure, reasons for leaving, and subsequent silence is all speculation.

I really do wish Kamelot the best, with or without Khan, and I'm confident they will keep releasing quality music, regardless.

But who even knows if Christian is the way he went?
Maybe he chose Satanism and is going to come back with a deth metal emo punk conservative republican teabag band called "Sarah and the Palins":puke:

But seriously...let's all just wish him well and move on. Nothing to see here...not anymore.
Maybe he chose Satanism and is going to come back with a deth metal emo punk conservative republican teabag band called "Sarah and the Palins":puke:

Man, that'd be worse than Satan. :lol:

No Username said:
But seriously...let's all just wish him well and move on. Nothing to see here...not anymore.

That's absolutely right. How about we just talk about who the new singer will be and leave the business discussions to Thom and the rest of the Kamelot camp? :)
I don’t know if I’m in the minority here, but I was a fan of Kamelot before Khan was in the band, and felt they were great way back then in the Noise days. Granted, I would be the first to admit that adding Roy to the ranks certainly raised the bar in quality significantly. Don’t get me wrong, Kahn is a staple to what Kamelot has become over the last decade, however, I have always viewed it as Tom’s band being that he is the key songwriter, producer, manger, financier, ect. ect., and if the situation was different and it was he who was leaving ad not Kahn, then it would be the end of Kamelot.

Just my humble opinion.

Until then… I see no reason Kamelot cannot continue without Kahn, and possibly raise the bar even more as they have done in the past. Do not misunderstand me, I enjoyed Kahn’s time in Kamelot significantly, but I feel It would be a shame if it all came to a halt due to these circumstances…. There are other members of the band that make up it’s sound and style, with Mr. Youngblood at the helm; I trust they will do the right thing and find someone permanent that can take them to the next level… I have faith in that at the very least.

Concerning all the cloak and dagger with this situation, It’s obvious there is more at stake than what the general Kamelot/music fan could possibly understand. If anything, it would be nice to eventually see them (or Kahn) come out and just put the nail in the coffin and bring closure to all of this, that way the fans could grieve, make an attempt to accept it, and move forward with the band onto the next chapter.
I don't know if anyone agrees or not, but the perfect replacement is Apollo from Firewind. He's pretty similar in some ways to Khan, but different enough to bring his own identity to the band.

Apollo's got a good gig with Firewind I think, but with Gus G. involved with Ozzy maybe he's freed up more to tour with a band like Kamelot. I think Apollo also doubles in Evil Masquerade, but I'm not sure how active they even are when it comes to touring.

Screaming Roy Khan Fangirl Numero Uno says...

La la la! Not listening. La la la la la la....

Okay, okay. Maybe I should change my nickname to Cleopatra, Queen of Denial. :ill:

While the idea of Khan not being in Kamelot (or in any band) anymore makes me want to jump in front of a moving subway train, I'd understand if he gave it up completely. Even if I do kind of want to hide all the sharp objects in my house. Ugh. And kudos to Thomas and the rest of the band for *not* giving us all the details. Whatever the situation is with Roy, it's *his* business and he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. Life goes on, priorities change, and honestly, I'd much rather see him give it up than go on and be miserable. That would upset me more. I mean, I still feel like hurling myself from the top of the Empire State Building, but I really don't want to ever see one of my favorite singers not putting 100% of his heart and soul into a performance.

I can't help but feel a little like :cry: though...sigh...
