My personal thoughts on the Kamelot situation

A lot of his songs sound the same, similar range, similar vocal melodies and even lyrics etc.

That's a problem I've always had with Kamelot, especially the recycling of melodies. They're GOOD melodies, mind you. Just seems to almost always be just a slight variation on the same.
I was in the gee-hope-he's-okay camp; even burnout is an understandable impetus for his actions. But to drop everyone's collective ass in the dust for *religion*? Short of the Final Judgement occurring right this minute, I can't imagine what about it was so important that it was worth screwing over so many people - why he couldn't have completed at least his short-term obligations, or even not gotten involved in a new album and tour in the first place if he knew this was coming.

Class act, that.

This is exactly what I've been thinking ever since Glenn started the post. I mean it's a brand new album and this is the reason he's not going to tour? Seems odd and yeah, I agree wholeheartedly that he should've committed to his short-term obligations.
And here I thought Roy was suffering from a brain tumor. >_> I had no idea he was just leaving. How strange. If he really found "religion" don't you think compassion would be in there somewhere? Compassion for his band-mates and all the money they're losing?

Oy, I'll definitely go see them now.

And not just because I worship Fabio's $%*&.

finding religion is kinda like a brain tumor
Mattias Blad matches Khan's subtle style. He's also Scandinavian. I like it.

So, I'm trying to surmise a few things from this thread. I haven't read through the other thread, but has Khan officially left the band? I haven't seen a news release that announces his *official* departure. Regardless, I assumed that this was a sad inevitability. Some of the info so far in uncited, so I don't know the source of it. He's found religion, he's left the this insider info? Someone share a link with a guy who has limited time to scour the net these days! Thanks.
Mark Vanderbilt, some subpar Midnight clone. Guessing he's available now?

Ben, as usual you have to make snide comments in every post you make, even if you don't really know about the given topic - you might have heard or read something, but it's obvious that you really don't know much about this situation.

When the first Kamelot disc came out (and remember Ben, I'm a heck of a lot older than you and I was a working part of the European music scene back then) all the media around Europe (which is of course where Kamelot's initial success was born) were wondering if this was actually Crimson Glory under another name or not. We were a ton of journalists who wrote reviews saying that it HAD to be Midnight and the other CG guys. Even the record label (Noise) tried to play on that part.

Calling Mark a SUB-PAR Midnight clone is ridiculous. If anything, he is the closest this world has ever seen to Midnight, and there's absolutely nothing sub-par to that.

The new Spiritual Beggars is phenomenal IMO.
It's the only disc by them I don't own. I think he ruins it. But hey, if you like his voice, than it makes perfect sense that you feel that way about the disc. The music is good (as always).

He's in that band, too? Okay, my second thought is the dude from Black Majesty ... maybe he's a better fit anyway.
That would be cool.

Not a very intelligent comment.
Apparently not. But in my defense, I wasn't even aware there was a correlation between vocal preferences and intellect.

True I guess, I'm just not so into negative comments about musicians.
It's a discussion forum. How are we suppose to discuss anything, if only the people who have a positive comment about a given musician, band, or CD chime in? And then how are we suppose to discern from those comments, what's good and what's bad, when everyone commenting has never had a negative word to say about anything?

I was thinking Mattias Blad of Falconer myself.
I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain he has no interest it touring.
And just because one is a Christian doesn't mean they'll be okay with metal. I've encountered plenty of Christians who insist that anything heavy metal is satanic, and that if it's a Christian metal band, then it's not really Christian because it's a METAL band. Has Khan gone this route? I certainly hope not, but some folks do, and there is a chance, however slim, that he feels that way, too.

So silly.. especially if you look at the roots of Christianity. We drink blood and eat flesh! Camaaaaan!! How can you be any more metal then that!?
Marc Vanderbilt actually, and he was pretty damn good. Fabio is much closer to his style than to Khan's, so I'm hoping to see some OLD material on this tour.
I intensely disliked his vocals in Kamelot, though other things he's done I actually did like.

My suspicions were confirmed. I think Roy needs to follow whatever's in his heart and mind. If he's not into the band, for whatEVER reason, he should bow out. Still, a statement would be appropriate.

As for the band, they'll stumble around momentarily until they find the right voice, then they'll come back strong. That's my prediction.
As people will soon learn, it's about the songwriting. Those who know me, know there are very few people who are as big a a Barlow fan as I. Consequently, I was fully expecting Iced Earth to fall flat on their face without him. That said, with Ripper behind the mic, Iced Earth churned out what may be the finest 31 minutes of music since Operation: Mindcrime with "Gettysburg".

This is totally what I was thinking at that point in the thread. I am also a huge Barlow fan, and felt the same way. But was pleasantly stunned by that album.

Not a very intelligent comment.

Sorry, just have to chuckle at this ... it was a very Zod comment to me, and Zod is one of the more intelligent people I know in the world. Maybe not knowing him, you don't get the tone, humor, whatever.
Ben, as usual you have to make snide comments in every post you make, even if you don't really know about the given topic - you might have heard or read something, but it's obvious that you really don't know much about this situation.

When the first Kamelot disc came out (and remember Ben, I'm a heck of a lot older than you and I was a working part of the European music scene back then) all the media around Europe (which is of course where Kamelot's initial success was born) were wondering if this was actually Crimson Glory under another name or not. We were a ton of journalists who wrote reviews saying that it HAD to be Midnight and the other CG guys. Even the record label (Noise) tried to play on that part.

Calling Mark a SUB-PAR Midnight clone is ridiculous. If anything, he is the closest this world has ever seen to Midnight, and there's absolutely nothing sub-par to that.


Couldn't be more correct right, Mark was awesome.
That would be cool.

I was just listening to the tune 6 Ribbons from the Black Majesy - Silent Company disc. I think John Cavaliere would be a good fit. He's from Australia though .. not sure the logistics would work all that well.

Cavaliere can go the ballady stuff well, and would really excel at the speedier Kamelot material. I'm pretty sure he can pull off anything in the Kamelot discography. He's not quite as smooth and subtle as Khan, but really .. who is?

I was just listening to the tune 6 Ribbons from the Black Majesy - Silent Company disc. I think John Cavaliere would be a good fit. He's from Australia though .. not sure the logistics would work all that well.
I love that song. It's the track that made me buy the disc. It's an odd cover, but works so well.

What's odd is, when bands replace their singers, it seems they rarely dig deep into the well of singers who are already out there, in less established bands.
I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain he has no interest it touring.

This is the case. His career is musical theater, and as I understand it, he's not willing to put his career on hold to tour with a band. Local shows and festivals seem to be it.

I'd love to hear Blad sing a Kamelot song or two, but he'd be a bad fit for Kamelot since he's not interested in touring.
Someone said the guy who just joined Crimson Glory (forget his name) would be a good fit, and I could see that. Location would also be optimal.