...guys, i am curious...again...

Seems like I read something like this somewhere else on the board, but I find prog metal to require more intelligence than a lot of other music. I love the complexity and the often brilliant lyrics!
I have my husband to thank for getting me into this music. And ProgPower since I only listened to a fraction of the bands my husband did until I attended PPIII. Now I am more excited about the next year's PP than he is every year!

...i envy those that can 'hear' the intricacies of the music...all i hear is the music itself...and this type of music has always made my pulse race...(it started with 'ratt' and evolved to where i am now)...funny, after pp, the 80's music does nothing for me anymore...
...most of the time when i see the guy(s) in the band, i think what awesome features he has and that i just gotta draw his portrait!...

...it is really nice to know that my kind of peeps do exist...:)
MetalRose said:
Does this answer your question?


Although I'm not very good at it. :p

Remind me again why I adore you? Oh yeah!! Cause you kick ass!!! :kickass: When do I get to hear you?? Hmm?? I never pass judgement on ability until I hear the music! :)

lady_space said:
I mess around a little with bass, but have really slacked off since I started shooting archery.

Shaye that is awesome! I used to be an archer myself :) Would love to get back in to that... What's your accuracy range?

yardleybates said:
I have my husband to thank for getting me into this music. And ProgPower since I only listened to a fraction of the bands my husband did until I attended PPIII. Now I am more excited about the next year's PP than he is every year!

LOL I have Prog to thank for my husband! He was working a late night shift at a gas station (hey, this was 16 years ago! lol) and had Yngwie playing on his tape player. First words out of my mouth were, "Hey, isn't that Yngwie?". The rest, as they say, is history!

thedelicateflower said:

...i envy those that can 'hear' the intricacies of the music...all i hear is the music itself...and this type of music has always made my pulse race...(it started with 'ratt' and evolved to where i am now)...funny, after pp, the 80's music does nothing for me anymore...
...most of the time when i see the guy(s) in the band, i think what awesome features he has and that i just gotta draw his portrait!...

...it is really nice to know that my kind of peeps do exist...:)

Oh lord, don't be envious! LOL It's a friggin' curse, I tell you. A curse!! It's not something you can turn off, and there are many times I wish I could! :) And ditto on the 80's music, in terms of Bubble-gum metal LOL Do you have any of your artwork online? Would love to view :)

The lady who did the Adagio sketch... MAJOR talent there. I remember hearing Frankh ask if they could put it on their site...

*sigh* Love this place, these ladies, and this music. You all have given me renewed hope that not all woman are psyco (in the bad way, or course!)
13ShadesofGray said:
Shaye that is awesome! I used to be an archer myself :) Would love to get back in to that... What's your accuracy range?!)
Well, I shoot 3-D, not traditional, Olympic style, and I'm still in the "beginner's class" (there are few classes for us ladies), so my distance sounds kind of pitiful by comparison. Our max is 30 yards, but I can shoot reasonably accurately out to about 45. I can only pull back about 45 pounds so far, but I'm working on that. How cool that you've shot! You'll have to elaborate. :)

13ShadesofGray said:
Oh lord, don't be envious! LOL It's a friggin' curse, I tell you. A curse!! It's not something you can turn off, and there are many times I wish I could! :) And ditto on the 80's music, in terms of Bubble-gum metal LOL QUOTE]

Well, I may be the only one here, but I still listen to Kiss and plenty of other stuff like that. I like some straight-ahead, full-on rock 'n' roll sometimes... Sometimes I think listening to more complex stuff helps me appreciate the 'simple' stuff more. There's just something about throwing together a few chords and writing a great song that awes me.
I'm gonna talk about this from a metal perspective, and there are two main reasons I think for women not generally liking it

a) the whole popularity/trend/whatever type of thing that most women follow....i've always been unlike most girls and not into that stuff

b) metal is generally more aggressive than a lot of other genres, therefore I think to a certain degree, women just aren't naturally into it.

I'm with all of the other girls on here for reasons for liking this music
jaimek said:
I got into prog metal in my late teens (very early '90s) because a) I already liked rock in general, and b) I was looking for something more complex than the standard eMpTyV shite. Pretentious was okay, as long as it was intellectually stimulating.

Your story and mine are pretty much the same. I was into fluffy hair rock in the mid-'80s, but then I heard Queensryche in the late '80s/early '90s and realized there was more to Rock than booze, chicks, partying and Aqua-Net. It was like a veil had been lifted from my eyes... (I was a sheltered kid and a product of the Empty-V generation.)

And back in those days, being a female at a prog show was equivalent to being a female in a Wizards of the Coast shop.

Or a comic shop, or worse yet, the comics industry. Which is where I am, where the male/female ratio is about 80%/20%.

I was never a girly-girl, and most of my friends are male. I've always been considered as "one of the guys". Perhaps that's part of the reason why I gravitated toward male-dominated music scenes and industries.

The ratio has improved drastically over the years... the rise in popularity of the Web helped a lot, I think.

Absolutely. The only bands I knew about were Queensryche and Dream Theater for years; I had no idea that there was this entire category of metal out there waiting to be tapped. When the Internet had advanced enough to allow me to access and listen to song clips, that's when I started branching out.

-- Laura
I agree that alot of girls aren't into this music because it isn't so mainstream-popular. Its agressive, cerebral, primal, powerful -etc.-all that young ladies aren't encouraged to be -generally.

(my 4th grade teacher sent me to the principal for showing up to school wearing silver and black makeup with safetypins in my ears -once upon a time.!..surely there was something wrong with me because I wasn't sporting a Menudo tshirt!) :loco:

I have metal to thank for scoring my husband too! -I couldn't go on our first date because I was headed to see Overkill-ALONE...so, he was definately interested in persuing me after that !

miss the female comeraderie as well, as others have mentioned.

Growing up in the 80's and listening to King Diamond and Sanctuary- I had more guy friends than girls.- And even interests were different.- I was dabbling with painting on the backs of denim jackets and skateboards, not such a girlie passtime relatively speaking.

What is frustrating also, is the girlfriends I still talk with from back then are surprised I haven't "grown out of it"
..."grown out of it"?-are you kidding- there is so much more to grow into- just recently finding more of this genre has been AMAZING! :headbang:

I'd love to talk archery - I want to learn, and my other half wants to build a bow- so, looking for advice/info.
LadySteele said:
(my 4th grade teacher sent me to the principal for showing up to school wearing silver and black makeup with safetypins in my ears -once upon a time.!..surely there was something wrong with me because I wasn't sporting a Menudo tshirt!) :loco:
omg, too funny! I used to pass the time during High School lunch, on occassion, by adding another "earring" to my collection. Used safety-pins. lmao

LadySteele said:
I have metal to thank for scoring my husband too! -I couldn't go on our first date because I was headed to see Overkill-ALONE...so, he was definately interested in persuing me after that !
Now that just kicks ass!! ^5 :)

LadySteele said:
I'd love to talk archery - I want to learn, and my other half wants to build a bow- so, looking for advice/info.

Lived in Colorado from 10-14 yrs old. Did the whole farm/ranch thing, which entailed range shooting and archery :) Actually placed in a few tournaments in my age group and got a Girl Scout Merit Badge (yes I was a friggin' girl scout lol) Loved it. Miss it. No place to do it out here in SoCal, at least where I live and that I know of. How cool is it that your man wants to build a bow!! :kickass: Will look through my bookmarks and get you some linkage :)
It has been awesome to read this post.

I love all forms of metal from Death(death that would make six feet under look like a pop band),grind, black, prog, power,thrash, and all in between. I love metal because most of the genres whatever the vocal style usually includes skilled musicians.

I am glad to see more women into all of the forms of metal, not only because they have a metal boyfriend. I like hearing all the intelligent responses as not only are all of you appealing on the outside, your inner intelligence sounds awesome to me.

I just hope the women into killer metal movement continues to grow as maybe I won't be single way into my 80's:erk: :Smug: :Spin:
...it's funny...i have never been into trends...i either start them ;) or i get into things way after they are gone...
...i have always been into the rock/hard metal sounds...was way into debt in the 80's for all the concerts i went to (went through a ticket agency for 1st through 3rd row tix, always made my way to the stage and held my place)...i did so much business with that agency, they even sent me a christmas card...
13ShadesofGray said:
Lived in Colorado from 10-14 yrs old. Did the whole farm/ranch thing, which entailed range shooting and archery :) Actually placed in a few tournaments in my age group and got a Girl Scout Merit Badge (yes I was a friggin' girl scout lol) Loved it. Miss it. No place to do it out here in SoCal, at least where I live and that I know of. How cool is it that your man wants to build a bow!! :kickass: Will look through my bookmarks and get you some linkage :)

I liked doing Archery in Gym Class. But I prefer trap shooting! Mmmm shotguns!


LadySteele said:
What is frustrating also, is the girlfriends I still talk with from back then are surprised I haven't "grown out of it"
..."grown out of it"?-are you kidding- there is so much more to grow into- just recently finding more of this genre has been AMAZING! :headbang:
I hate that attitude... it's so condescending. Thank god, my mother realized it was more than a "phase" many, many years ago.

LadySteele said:
I'd love to talk archery - I want to learn, and my other half wants to build a bow- so, looking for advice/info.
I shoot a compound bow, so I probably won't be much help. However, if he's thinking about a compund, I can suggest Richwood Archery/Custom Shooting Systems, and I'm also selling my Mathews Conquest II bow so I can get a CSS one (Mathews and Hoyt also make good compound bows, and I think Hoyt makes some recurves/traditional bows as well. hoytusa.com, I believe).

Is he looking to use it for hunting or target shooting, and 3-D or Olympic or dot shooting? Different styles are more and less popular in different areas of the country. Feel free to e-mail me (blackdiamond@mindspring.com), and I can talk 'til I'm blue in the face about 3-D. :) I'm a member of ASA (asaarchery.com).
...when my sister was younger, she was into duran duran and those 80's types...but, then she got married and started listening to soft rock type music...i then noticed others doing the same thing and that really scared me...i thought, is that what happens when you get married?!?! you start listening to muzak???...i started thinking that maybe getting married isn't a good thing... ;)
thedelicateflower said:
...when my sister was younger, she was into duran duran and those 80's types...but, then she got married and started listening to soft rock type music...i then noticed others doing the same thing and that really scared me...i thought, is that what happens when you get married?!?! you start listening to muzak???...i started thinking that maybe getting married isn't a good thing... ;)
I'm starting to think I'm the only 30-year-old who's not desperate to get married (closer to the opposite actually--the idea scares the hell outta me! lol) but let me just say that two of the coolest people I ever met at PP are a couple from NJ, Greg and Paula. I love 'em--they're fun, they're successful, and they're married--living proof that you don't _have_ to be the proverbial "old married couple." And you can't forget Bryant and Harumi, either! They're all just so... so... metal! :headbang: