Screw waiting...the next band is confirmed

It kind of remeinded me of's cool

Whoaa!!! Just read that Finn from Beyond Twilight did keys, is it possible he might play with them live? COULD THIS MEAN BEYOND TWILIGHT IS PLAYING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have a cd coming out this spring!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :err: :worship: :worship: :worship: :headbang: :headbang:
I'm sorry, well no I'm not....I'm hoping this show gets better! I think Glenn could put Alvin and the Chipmunks as a headliner, and some of you would get excited...geeze! A Masterplan, Stratovarius, Labyrinth, John West, Balance of Power, Pyramaze please....something here!


This was the ONLY band my brother was waiting to hear, to convince him that he needs to make his first trip to ProgPower! As soon as he wakes up, he's gonna destroy everything in his house! He's gonna fuckin FLIP OUT! He was already pretty interested when we told him Therion, but now, there's no question! He's gonna put a death grip on that front barrier and not let go until he can't stand any longer!

Now then... y'all better not be picky when getting your copies of Manticora cd's. Yeah, certain albums are "better in whole" than others, but each album has some incredible gemstones of riffage. If you guys wanna get songs downloaded, here's a damned good selection:

Nowhere Land
The Flood
Dragon's Mist
Lost Souls
Shadows With Tales To Tell
Filaments Of Armageddon
The Old Barge
Creator Of Failure
Help Me Like No One Can

So go get that Dirty Dozen, and you'll not be disappointed. I hope that this year I can find a real copy of Dead End Solution... my brother couldn't find it anywhere, so he emailed the band to ask about getting a copy. Lars burned him one and mailed it to him with a cool little note. When I met him at the preparty last year, he remembered, and asked me, "Why the hell did he want a copy of that! It was a crappy album and the sound quality was fuckin terrible!" I replied, "Because your worst stuff is still incredible!" He laughed quite hard at that one.

Funny... I was listening to Beyond The Walls Of Sleep on the drive in to work this morning... how appropriate!

*cranks speakers*
*grabs phone*
*hits intercom*
*pisses off coworkers*
Wow, I can't believe people aren't jumping down your throats for not liking either band announced. *rolleeyes*

Anyway, all jabbing aside, I'm already really looking forward to this one so far. Therion and Manticora, 2 bands I'm vaguely familiar with in a positive way! Very nice. Can't wait for the rest of the lineup.
I like both bands mentioned! In fact, I've kinda faded away from listening to Therion, and this was the hint I needed to go dig those discs out again.

Manticora, on the other hand, is quite a different story.... no matter what I listen to, after a week of not hearing them, I'll end up throwing one of their discs back in for a week straight. Can you say 'addicted'? I knew you could...
Bryan316 said:
I hope that this year I can find a real copy of Dead End Solution... my brother couldn't find it anywhere, so he emailed the band to ask about getting a copy. Lars burned him one and mailed it to him with a cool little note. When I met him at the preparty last year, he remembered, and asked me, "Why the hell did he want a copy of that! It was a crappy album and the sound quality was fuckin terrible!" I replied, "Because your worst stuff is still incredible!" He laughed quite hard at that one.
I found a copy about 5 years ago at a local music exchange for six bucks. Whooo-Hoooooo!!
edgeofthorns said:
I'm sorry, well no I'm not....I'm hoping this show gets better! I think Glenn could put Alvin and the Chipmunks as a headliner, and some of you would get excited...geeze! A Masterplan, Stratovarius, Labyrinth, John West, Balance of Power, Pyramaze please....something here!

I agree with edgeofthorns. The show better take a upswing from here. I have no interest in Therion. Manticora I believe will make a good opening act, however this is not a band that would have been on my wish list at all. For me this has started out to be a less than stellar begining. Glen said that this show could reach PP3 status. I don't see this at all so far. Glen, Prove me wrong and bring out the big guns.
FatesFan said:
I agree with edgeofthorns. The show better take a upswing from here. I have no interest in Therion. Manticora I believe will make a good opening act, however this is not a band that would have been on my wish list at all. For me this has started out to be a less than stellar begining. Glen said that this show could reach PP3 status. I don't see this at all so far. Glen, Prove me wrong and bring out the big guns.
Hey, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I think it's safe to say that so far you guys are in the minority opinion group. I have a feeling though, that you will ultimately be happy. Be patient.

One other note, I know many people just focus on the band list and the bands' performances to determine how good Progpower is, but the festival really is about so much more than that. I had an absolute blast last year and wasn't really blown away by any of the performances (though Tad Morose and Brainstorm came close). It's not just a two day concert - it's truly a first class event.
FatesFan said:
I agree with edgeofthorns. The show better take a upswing from here. I have no interest in Therion. Manticora I believe will make a good opening act, however this is not a band that would have been on my wish list at all. For me this has started out to be a less than stellar begining. Glen said that this show could reach PP3 status. I don't see this at all so far. Glen, Prove me wrong and bring out the big guns.
Just because you don't like 2 of the bands doesn't mean it won't be a great fest, sheesh people lighten up. Have you liked EVERY band that he's ever booked? Have you enjoyed yourself when you've gone? Damn. In my opinion PP4 & 5 were better than III because I liked 9/10 bands on those bills, where at II I liked 5/10. III was our first and since then we're loyal badge holders.

The man has announced 2 bands and already you're nay-saying. If he announced all at once you'd probably be "This is a great lineup, I'm really looking forward to see A. B & C.. but I don't like those 2 bands".

Anyhow, at least the people who don't like these 2 are a minority compared to those of us who do. That means GOOD JOB HARVESTER ! ! !
I think the whiners would do well to notice that Glenn has announced an opening act and one of the 4th slot bands before they write off ProgPower 6. Neither headliner is announced, and the other 4th slot band looks like one that Glenn considers bigger than Therion, from his posts. chill out.

Ryan (yay Therion!)
I'm totally new to Manticora - heard the name but never any music until I downloaded the sample. EXCELLENT!!!! Very nice vocals which made the band a great choice IMO.

A great new discovery for me. I'll quickly be picking up their latest CD as Glenn has recommended. You learn something new everyday!

P.S. Did you know that Manticora is from Denmark - just like Mercenary? I smell a charter flight come September.
Dark One said:
Hey, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I think it's safe to say that so far you guys are in the minority opinion group. I have a feeling though, that you will ultimately be happy. Be patient.

One other note, I know many people just focus on the band list and the bands' performances to determine how good Progpower is, but the festival really is about so much more than that. I had an absolute blast last year and wasn't really blown away by any of the performances (though Tad Morose and Brainstorm came close). It's not just a two day concert - it's truly a first class event.

Good point Dark One...we'll have to wait and see in the end. I did have a great time last year, and Tad Morose and Brainstorm rocked the doors off the place!!! ;)
"P.S. Did you know that Manticora is from Denmark - just like Mercenary? I smell a charter flight come September."

....please don't make me wet myself with hope.
If I'm not mistaken - these 2 fit under the Prog label for ProgPower. And so its very plausible that some people might be like "ugh" right now at the roster. Just wait!
If Mercenary comes to this ProgPower... Oh my fucking God, I wouldn't even mind walking from Connecticut to Atlanta to see this show...

2 down, 8 more to go... Ahhhh can we handle the wait?