The Official Sat. Headliner Suggest Thread

Lets end the festival with some "True Metal"...


"'True Metal' is music that's true to the style of classic Heavy Metal. It's not diluted. It's not pussied out. It's not wimped out. It's played from the heart, 100 percent."

* "This is what we do. And if you like it, good. If not, go fuck yourself."

* "We play Metal pure, you know. We don't play radio bullshit. We don't suck ass."


* "We just live the part of Metal, you know. We are here to rock, drink and fuck. And that's it. The power is in the music."

* [On how he would like to be remembered] "Somebody who never compromised their music and their integrity. And never screwed their fans. Somebody who always delivered Metal, and melted people's faces at maximum power."

* "I know that a lot of people are against us. But they can get fucked and eat shit and die. Manowar are here to show everybody else that Metal will live on. "

(this was copied almost directly from )
urinalcakemix said:
I know Nearfest is the fest for that, but whats wrong with 1-2 bands that arent straight CHugga Chugga riffs and double bass?

I mean, dont you guys get tired of pounding double bass after a while?

Ted nugent's the man, he'd tear down the house!

Didn't want to come across as if I was attacking you, it's just that Glenn has not only posted about pure prog rock bands in the past, stating that this is a metal fest and prog rock is usually pushed for nearfest or the like. Honestly, while I wouldn't have any big deal with seeing an old prog rock band, I would prefer to see a metal band that's more difficult to get over here. Personally, if it were my festival (which it isn't..whew)...I'd try to get some crazy shit over here like Decapitated or something :p. Have it a more metal show...regardless of the sub-genre they fall under. Anyway, lots of good metal doesn't have double bass, so...

And Ted can't believe people still want to see this guy..I know he was big back in the late 70's...and if he were actually putting out quality music now..maybe...but all this guy puts out is crap from his mouth and deer jerky.
Primal Fear would be great.

I would Love to see Fates Warning, but as Glenn has said in the past he has tried and not gotten any kind of response

Stream of Passion/Ayreon that would be a great headliner.

I for one would like to see someone new for a change of pace.
Enough with the Symphony Xs and Kamelots etc.
DreamNeonBlack said:
Primal Fear would be great.

I would Love to see Fates Warning, but as Glenn has said in the past he has tried and not gotten any kind of response

Stream of Passion/Ayreon that would be a great headliner.

I for one would like to see someone new for a change of pace.
Enough with the Symphony Xs and Kamelots etc.

Agreed, neighbor.:p
Running Wild....
Axel Rudi Pell - the guy has like 12 albums out...
Grave Digger??

I like someone's idea of Fates Warning with Arch and Alder singing.
Mosquito said:
And Ted can't believe people still want to see this guy..I know he was big back in the late 70's...and if he were actually putting out quality music now..maybe...but all this guy puts out is crap from his mouth and deer jerky.
Ted puts on one of the best shows going. He can still run circles around youngsters half his age. Ted rules!

...but is not right for progpower.
Empress said:
And what's wrong with MANOWAR??!?!! They could totally headline, hehehe.. but please.. don't post those pictures.. the old ones.. because they make me ashamed.. they are a little gay :D

Let's just say I posted "No Manowar" simply because I've had some quite uncomfortable experiences with them and their management.

That being said, keep the assholes (not all of them are assholes, just a few select individuals in their group) away from the best festival in the world.
I'm surprised no one's mentioned these 2 bands as a possibility...

Saxon or Nightwish...both would slay!!!!!!

I know this would be a stretch but Riot would be another great band to see at PP, though I don't think they'd have the following that the other 2 bands would.