Screw waiting...the next band is confirmed

dargormudshark said:
It kind of remeinded me of's cool

Whoaa!!! Just read that Finn from Beyond Twilight did keys, is it possible he might play with them live? COULD THIS MEAN BEYOND TWILIGHT IS PLAYING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have a cd coming out this spring!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :err: :worship: :worship: :worship: :headbang: :headbang:

I don't think they sound much like Mercenary, but I do think they remind a lot of Blind Guardian. I'd say Manticora is a bit heavier than BG. I really love 8 Deadly Sins, so I'm excited for the chance to see Manticora live.
also some news.......

According to a posting on the B.B. Kings Blues Club web site, Finland's SONATA ARCTICA will open for OVERKILL at the New York City venue on Thursday, April 14. This is just three days before SONATA ARCTICA kick off their North American tour in Canada. SONATA ARCTICA will play B.B. Kings again 11 days later supporting NIGHTWISH.

As previously reported, SONATA ARCTICA have been nominated in the "Best Hard Rock/Metal Album" category at the Emma-Gaala (Finnish Grammy Awards-equivalent), along with MOKOMA, NIGHTWISH and TIMO RAUTIAINEN & TRIO NISKALAUKAUS. The band will also perform one song live at the awards ceremony, which is scheduled to be held on February 26 at Kulttuuritalolla in Helsinki.

SONATA ARCTICA's fourth studio album, "Reckoning Night", was released last year via Nuclear Blast Records.

(Thanks: Steve Bauer)
That makes two more bands that I've never listened to that I've not listened to and will be pickup up some of their CDs. I like both bands. How could I have missed them?

I can see how people could say Manticora reminds them of Blind Guardian. The vocalist reminds of the singer from The Lord Weird Slough Feg. Hmmm. Speaking of, looking at the other thread, I guess TLWSF will not be one of the bands this year. That would have been cool.
I've loved the song Cantos since hearing it on the Progpower III sampler, but never got around to picking up anything from them. It's funny because two days ago I had put the album with Cantos in my 'shopping cart' at The End Records, but didn't buy it since I may have had to add something to it this morning when I read the announced band. Since they were the announced band, I just added their new album to the cart and checked out immediately. Off to a good start so far!
I agree about progpower being an event more than just the bands. Heck, I am not the biggest traditional power metal fan but I still had a great time at the last two progpowers.

Tad Morose, Brainstorm, and Pain of Salvation made my birthday weekend awesome last year.

I think what is cool is that various online cd distros have great business starting this time of year as everyone goes and buys tons of cds. :Spin:
Have to agree with Dark One here... relax. Glenn has yet to put together anything but a strong roster. Have a little faith. I'm not a Therion fan either, but I'm also not concerned that this will be a quality event, and a great line-up. As I've said before, I don't care who plays, I'm coming. Having a chance to hang with the people who attend this fest, in this environment, is worth the price of admission.

By the way, Manticora is a superb #1.

Great opening band! I will see Manticora next week opening for Angra (Edenbridge will play second) here in Barcelona. I'll let you guys know how they did.
It's amazing the power that Glenn has...

I have heard this band's name before but never anything by them. Now that he has announced them within the next two weeks I will pick up whatever I possibly can by them.

Line up is looking strong so far. Can't wait to hear the rest. I hope the returning band is either Silent Force, Mercenary, or Angra!!
One other note, I know many people just focus on the band list and the bands' performances to determine how good Progpower is, but the festival really is about so much more than that.

Hmmm...interesting statement.

So this music festival is beyond hoping that you'll get ( in one's opinion) a better lineup and set with the talent there? With all due respect, that's quite a left field viewpoint. I think you can assume people travel long distances and pay their own money for the main priviledge of seeing bands they really like.

Dark One said:
It's not just a two day concert - it's truly a first class event.

I do agree with that statement. I haven't been to a better organized and comfortable festival yet.

And for the record on Manticora, I think this is a much better announcement than Therion for 90 minutes. This should get the show started right.
DarkTide said:
I don't think they sound much like Mercenary, but I do think they remind a lot of Blind Guardian. I'd say Manticora is a bit heavier than BG. I really love 8 Deadly Sins, so I'm excited for the chance to see Manticora live.
I meant some of King of the Absurd did, they definantley sound like BG at times...No one sounds like BG as much as Persuader though.
Just to let everyone know, Nightmare Records has a couple of copies of the Japanese verison of Hyperion with the Japansese bonus track only, Future World, a cover of the best Danish band ever, Pretty Maids. Plus The End has their first two cds for 11.50. Grab em while you can.

I think prog fans need to grab some lube and loosen the sphincter. I'm going to take care of you, so RELAX. My forumula remains the same from year to year (not in any specific order):

headliners (traditionally its power as that is what sells)
heavy hitters with melody
traditional power
pure prog bands
cross-over bands that blur the line

You may not like what you see until the last few bands are announced on March 1st. After that, then you can complain all you want.

Glenn H.

Glenn H.
Bryan316 said:


This was the ONLY band my brother was waiting to hear, to convince him that he needs to make his first trip to ProgPower! As soon as he wakes up, he's gonna destroy everything in his house! He's gonna fuckin FLIP OUT! He was already pretty interested when we told him Therion, but now, there's no question! He's gonna put a death grip on that front barrier and not let go until he can't stand any longer!

Now then... y'all better not be picky when getting your copies of Manticora cd's. Yeah, certain albums are "better in whole" than others, but each album has some incredible gemstones of riffage. If you guys wanna get songs downloaded, here's a damned good selection:

Nowhere Land
The Flood
Dragon's Mist
Lost Souls
Shadows With Tales To Tell
Filaments Of Armageddon
The Old Barge
Creator Of Failure
Help Me Like No One Can

So go get that Dirty Dozen, and you'll not be disappointed. I hope that this year I can find a real copy of Dead End Solution... my brother couldn't find it anywhere, so he emailed the band to ask about getting a copy. Lars burned him one and mailed it to him with a cool little note. When I met him at the preparty last year, he remembered, and asked me, "Why the hell did he want a copy of that! It was a crappy album and the sound quality was fuckin terrible!" I replied, "Because your worst stuff is still incredible!" He laughed quite hard at that one.

Funny... I was listening to Beyond The Walls Of Sleep on the drive in to work this morning... how appropriate!

*cranks speakers*
*grabs phone*
*hits intercom*
*pisses off coworkers*
HAHA!! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life! I bet it's worth it to Glenn just to see ONE person get this excited over a band. That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: I'm so happy that you're so happy -- that is hilarious! Yaaaaaaaaaaay Manticora!
Walter_Langkowski said:
So this music festival is beyond hoping that you'll get ( in one's opinion) a better lineup and set with the talent there? With all due respect, that's quite a left field viewpoint. I think you can assume people travel long distances and pay their own money for the main priviledge of seeing bands they really like.

First, I acknowledged that many people have that viewpoint, but I don't feel that MY viewpoint is "quite a left field viewpoint" at all. I think it's quite a common viewpoint, and one that, if you were to embrace it, would allow you to have a great time at the festival year in and year out regardless of the lineup. Meeting up with friends, meeting the bands, great vendors, fantastic organization (including the best time organization of any festival I've been to outside of Europe), comfortable seating, AND 10 underground metal bands that you can't see together ANYWHERE else on one bill???

Man, if you DON'T believe that the festival "is beyond hoping that you'll get ( in one's opinion) a better lineup and set with the talent there" than I feel you are depriving yourself of what the true nature of the festival is all about. It's a coming together of elite fans for an elite show, and while a few festivals may come close, it is a bond that is hard to match anywhere else in North America.
General Zod said:
Have to agree with Dark One here... relax. Glenn has yet to put together anything but a strong roster. Have a little faith. I'm not a Therion fan either, but I'm also not concerned that this will be a quality event, and a great line-up. As I've said before, I don't care who plays, I'm coming. Having a chance to hang with the people who attend this fest, in this environment, is worth the price of admission.

By the way, Manticora is a superb #1.

If the above was was addressed to me:

EXACTLY, did my smilies not come through? NEVER tell me to relax. Not till you get to know me! :Spin:

I've been supporting Glenn's festival since the first one in Lansing. Even back then it was 50% about the bands, and 50% about the people who attend it.
I haven't missed one yet, and I don't intend to.
If I say I don't care for the first couple bands announced (Manticora kicks ass!), it's NOT an attack on Glenn, it's a running commentary. If the schedule is going to be announced this way, then I'll make comments each week.
I'm sure I'll have my ass handed to me by the the time the complete lineup is announced. AND I even said I'd check out Therion.... :D

If this WAN'T addressed to me, please move on to the next post.....

Neither band has made me crap myself yet, but there's 8 more to go and if one of them is Masterplan....I'm gonna need some Depends.... :erk:
Dark One said:
Hey, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I think it's safe to say that so far you guys are in the minority opinion group. I have a feeling though, that you will ultimately be happy. Be patient.

One other note, I know many people just focus on the band list and the bands' performances to determine how good Progpower is, but the festival really is about so much more than that. I had an absolute blast last year and wasn't really blown away by any of the performances (though Tad Morose and Brainstorm came close). It's not just a two day concert - it's truly a first class event.

Yes, this is my opinion and mine alone. I may be in the minority,so what. My dollars spend just as far as yours do. I am not really sure what to do with this comment (One other note, I know many people just focus on the band list and the bands' performances to determine how good Progpower is, but the festival really is about so much more than that.) Without the bands you have no show. Listen, this isn't a Star Trek convention, it is a music festival. How can you not focus on the band and/or the performances. I am not driving to another state for a weekend,leaving my family,spending a fair amount of money,to not be concerned about who plays just to hang out with a bunch of strangers and talk about music. I can do that here for free and from the comfort of my own home. Yes, I agree that the festival is an experience in itself. I strongly believe that PP is the # 1 metal festival bar none in this hemisphere. I think what Glen has managed to pull off in histories past is in itself mind boggling. I do have confidence in the fact that there will be plenty music to my liking when it is all said and done. I simply said I need it to be more than I have seen thus far. Some of you are to damn sensitive. Some one said "just because you don't like the first two band anounce doesn't mean that the whole festival is going to suck. Come on , do you people even read what other people are saying. I never implied that the whole festival is not going to be good. I am not an idiot. I understand that only two bands have been anounced and that there are eight more to come. I simply stated that I hope it goes upward"in my estimation". Besides, I never said I did not like Manticora. In fact I said that they would make a good one slot. Like the rest of you I would like nothing more than to look at the complete line up and marvel at the list of bands that I know I will get to see come September. I have said it before and I'll say it again. This only comes once a year and it is a huge deal to me. So excuse me for having an opinion and for wantng this to be to my liking.
Hey Fates Fan, I completely understand what you are saying. I am personally not happy at all with the first two bands announced. I do not own 1 album from either band; actually, I had Manticora's first album and thought it was so bad that i gave it away for free! So yeah, you could definitely say I am very dissapointed thus far, but I know there are 8 more to come.

Last year, I liked 9 out of the 10 bands that played and owned cd's from all of them. I realize that I won't be so lucky year in and year out however, for my purposes, the festival could easily blow up with the announcement of a Conception reunion alone!!! Not to mention if Shaman, Masterplan, Labyrinth, Vision Divine, etc... are announced (then I would be thrilled). Bottom line is that I will be sending my money for the gold badges regardless because i know when all is said and done, there will at least be 5 bands there that I really enjoy.

As for Therion, I am definitely open to them and will try and pick up a few albums prior to the show. They seem like an interesting band, just 1 that I never got into. Manticora is a totally different story as far as I'm concerned. We'll see what happens next Monday!!!