Wish list for PP8! What's yours?

Wish List (In no particular order):
Rhapsody of Fire
Sonata Arctica
Primal Fear
Time Requiem (or Space Odyssey)
Magic Kingdom
Mob Rules
Stevie J. said:
Wish List (In no particular order):
Rhapsody of Fire

Well, they will be touring most likely with MANOWAR at that time, so I guess this is out of the question....

I like your nod for Dionysus. If you had Dionysus AND Rhapsody, you can also have a Luca Turilli set.....(Save $$$ on hotels and airfare!!!)
13ShadesofGray said:
That's awesome... Thanks! Package is 95% ready to go, looking to send it out tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

What, you haven't sent it off yet? :erk:

/me kicks and prods Colleen down to the post office. "You! Postal employee! Yeah, with the gun! We want this parcel in fuckin' Finland YESTERDAY!"

I know... I suck the suck out of suck (to quote Zilla). Day job craziness as soon as we got back combined with some other unexpected personal issues getting in the way, had to get taken care of before I could finish it up. (dammit) It'll be sent certified return/receipt one step down from overnight, so I'll know when it's arrived. Will keep y'all posted. :)
Diabolik said:
Are Arwen even still around...I cannot find the second disc anywhere. Magica are also another great fantasy themed female fronted band. People say they are like Rhapsody...I dont hear it, but they are really good.

I agree Magica doesn't sound like Rhapsody but do sound great. Arwen is another really good band.
I think this would be a dream show! Repost from a very similar post on a PPVIII Wish List...tweaking it a bit though..


1) Magica
2) Johanson
3) Dragonforce
4) Get Sea of Dreams back together again? If not then Arwen! :)
5) Darkmoor (and Dreamaker??) :)

1st day:

1) Zero Hour
2) Richard Anderson
3) Circus Maximus
4) Aquaria
5) Kamelot (or put them on the 2nd day)
6) Nightwish- With the new singer.

2nd Day:

1) Into Eternity
2) Pyramaze
3) Within Temptation
4) Rhapsody
5) Shaamaan (Forget it..they aparently broke up...man..). If its true they really did break up, have Andre Matos' follow up band come pleaaaaase?)
6) Angra- Yea again for their new album..but have Shaamaan headline too and let Andre sing the old Angra songs. They should do an old Angra reunion. That would be so awesome!!!

And mayby there can be one extra day (YES a 4 day event! The extra day reserved JUST for signings...I dont know about anyone else..but I think it REALLY REALLY sucks to have to choose between seeing a band you love or want to check out and getting singing..besides itll be one extra day for them to relax, get used to the venue/place, practice, see some sites, and not feel stressed to have to perfom. I think doing it this way will make it much more enjoyable for both the perfomers and the fans.
I'm going to do this again since 2 of my favorite bands have gone out of comission in the last few days...

Surprise Me

Stormwarrior (A band not enough people know about, think of Helloween's Walls of Jericho. Now think of Kai Hansen producing and guesting. Yeah, it's awesome)
Sonata Arctica

Raintime (since we know they're gonna be there)
Dark Moor
Braxil said:
I'm going to do this again since 2 of my favorite bands have gone out of comission in the last few days...

Surprise Me

Stormwarrior (A band not enough people know about, think of Helloween's Walls of Jericho. Now think of Kai Hansen producing and guesting. Yeah, it's awesome)
Sonata Arctica

Raintime (since we know they're gonna be there)
Dark Moor

Braxil, - I think I've said it before:
You're my guy!
:heh: :heh: :heh:
I still say do a 3 for 1 deal Brother FireTribe for either the pre-party or the second opener TAROT of course, and NIGHTWISH as the headliner of course.

Also another band i am really enjoying right now is EVIL MASQUERADE with Henrik Flyman, they would fit the bill nicely, and probably surprise everyone.