Mystery Update

If a few a donations from the board could get LaBrie to perform at ProgPower, he'd be playing BBQs and kid's birthday parties every other weekend, for every DT fanboy with two nickels to rub together.

Really? I guess I didn't really see Labrie solo as headlining caliber..although I'm sure Labrie does!! :loco:
With the hints I think it either has to have growls or be AOR. That limits my guesses somewhat but would Cynic be a big enough name to demand that high of a slot?
If I was a betting man... which I'm not... :loco:

I'd probably guess Psychotic Waltz or possibly Pretty Maids. Just a guess of course.

Magnum would be a brilliant addition! Though I doubt it would be them, However, for shame on those who spout off no knowlage of the mighty Magnum as if they were a completely unknown, un-notable act. shame, shame, shame....
Really? I guess I didn't really see Labrie solo as headlining caliber..although I'm sure Labrie does!! :loco:
I believe he tours as a headliner. Regardless, I do think he would headline ProgPower.

I'd probably guess Psychotic Waltz or possibly Pretty Maids. Just a guess of course.
Pretty Maids, coming to U.S. soil for a few donations from the board? That would be cool, but I don't think it's at all realistic.
With the hints I think it either has to have growls or be AOR. That limits my guesses somewhat but would Cynic be a big enough name to demand that high of a slot?

Cynic did a US headlining tour over the summer of 2010. They played the Masquerade in August. They're touring enough that I doubt they'd so some kind of one off exclusive show when they'll probably have the new album out around then.

I honestly expect some 80s/90s US band doing a reunion show.
I highly doubt it would be Shining. Not a good fit, plus last time they tried to make it to the states they got denied.

However, Grand Magus fits pretty much all of the criteria. The only question is if their price is too high due to coming from Sweden and all.

Prog Shining from Norway, not the dsbm band from Sweden. /n00b :lol:
Here is someone off the wall....Has anybody thought of Fozzy? They would affect the upper area of the roster, and I do not think that they are that expensive, either. They have also toured with a band that is close to Glenn, a certain Halcyon Way.
Now that would be cool! But somehow I imagine they'd play for a case of beer or two.

Hammers played Alehorn a couple years ago.
I suppose it could still be exclusive.
I don't think they would be a band though that would warrant such an emergency collection of funds to go after.

Sure, they have a lot of members, but they operate more as a working man's band, like Slough Feg. Case of beer and a couch to crash on would prolly cover it.
I enjoyed it, but even with this one, I don't know about it fitting. As for not knowing, I swear sometimes on this board people expect everyone to know of every single band. :rolleyes:

You seriously need a lesson in the internets and taking it too seriously. I was just playing with you man.