Who would you have booked for PPX if Glenn gave you the power????

Don't we have this thread like every week?

Except it should be named "We think Glenn's picks suck and we want to see these bands instead" thread.

If you like another band, great. Take your favorite cd by that band, hack Rock Band, and put the songs you want on it. You get all the cheers of a live show right in your living room.

I am sure Glenn has a pretty thick skin about this shit but it has to hurt knowing you worked like an idiot for months and then have people tell you your work sucks, less than a week after you showed them what you achieved.
Ultimate PPX band listing (for me):

Dream Theater - Say what you want about them, but they and Fates Warning are absolute Prog Metal legends. Would be great to see them headline the 10th anniversary.
Fates Warning - See above, but due to popularity differences I would say that DT would get the headlining spot.
Circus Maximus - Isolate is pure bliss. It and Images and Words are now essentially a tie in my book for best prog metal album.
Pagan's Mind - Their show at PPXIII was one of the greatest performances I've ever seen. Can't wait to see them again!
Dali's Dilemma - Broken up I know, but they would be a sick show live I think. If I'm dreaming, why not have them get in on the action as well?
Symphony X - Great band, but please don't play The Odyssey live. It just pales in comparison to the recording.
Andromeda - One of the best from PPIX imo. Would like to see them play Extension of the Wish in its entirety!
Into Eternity - I really thought they had a great shot of making PPX, but they didn't. They were great as an opener on DT's Chaos in Motion tour, and they would be a great addition to PP.
Three - Was an opener for Progressive Nation 2008 tour with Dream Theater, Opeth, and Between the Buried and Me. Really wowed everyone and would fit great here.
Beyond Twilight - HELLO? Why are they not on the real PPX list?
Kamelot - Really expected them to be on the real PPX list as well. On a side note, why has Roy Khan not made an Ayreon squad yet?
Riverside - Good for a cool down moment in between aggressive bands.
Evergrey - New CD, haven't been to PP in a few years, perfect time for a return at PPX.
After Forever - Best show of PPXIII in my opinion, and I didn't even know who they were coming into their performance.
James LaBrie - Elements of Persuasion crew in tow with special guest Alex Argento. Marco Sfogli and Alex could have a few of their collaborative solo work songs thrown in as well. Would be a great way to promote "Elements of Persuasion 2!"
Ayreon - Since a ton of people from The Human Equation are here, why not bring in the rest as guests and tear the house down? Would be the greatest show ever.

16 bands total. 4 for Thursday, and then 6 each for Friday and Saturday. Problems that would arise from having a real show with this list: It would be extremely expensive and would sell out in minutes. Also, Dream Theater would bring too many DT die-hards. Oh well. I'd still die to see this show.

All of that said, PPX's band list is top-notch. Very good bands all around and I can't wait!
You forgot to add: "gave you the power and quintupled your operating budget (at least).
I actually posted the same thing, saying (ironically), "five times the budget". However, I went back to see if anyone had already beaten me to the punch, and sure enough...

I once had the thought, that Glenn should have one sticky thread, at the top of the forum, that covered favorite bands, bands you want to see, bands for future ProgPowers, bands you're disappointed weren't booked, bands that were overlooked, etc. However, if he ever did that, this forum would only have one thread with 10,000 pages.

I am sure Glen has a very thick skin.
You can't survive in this biz without one!

There are obviously a LOT of delisional folks here.
If Dream Theater were booked, you would have to increase the ticket prices drastically. Also, if DT were booked, you can damn near be sure the rest of the lineup would not be extremely stellar. The only way to financially land DT is if you could catch them on an off day of a tour. Though if they were already on tour (imagine that....), it wouldn't really make the performance all that special anyhow. I guess if they were to do something special (IE - perform a unique setlist or something).

I also seriously think many folks here have ZERO knowledge in what bands need for a guarantee. Just think about how much it costs to bring a 5 member band + crew by plane overseas... Add on top of that their regular performance fee.

People think its as simple as , "Here is a great mix of 10 bands......book it!" Sure, on paper it might make for a great and balanced festival from a performance standpoint. Though it tickets then jumped to $200 and Glen had to take out a 2nd and 3rd mortgage on his house (Assuming he is a home owner, I have no clue.....), it wouldn't be too feasible.
Beyond Twilight - HELLO? Why are they not on the real PPX list?

I thought the same thing. However with the BIG sounds they have, I'm not sure it would translate live.

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Andromdea, and while they did a good job, I was disappointed as I don't think they translated live well- and I heard quite a few others making the same comment.

IF and COMMA However, that will not prevent me from listening to Andromeda, nor will it prevent me from buying CD's of theirs.

And as far as Glenn having thick skin, well I can't speak for him, but as he's said himself, he does book bands based on feed back here on the forums, so from what I understand, any constructive criticism he recieves he does read, contemplate, evaluate and act upon.

One last comment on this particular thought- I love DT as much as the next guy, but I think the allure with PPUSA is that the bands booked are bands that DON'T tour on a regular basis and are usually centered around a niche market. Save for a handful of big bands- Iced Earth and Amorphis being the ones I can think of with big to massive main stream metal marketability.

And yes, Into Eternity tours on an exhausting regular basis, but they didn't really until after ProgPower...

When The Empire Falls
Presto Ballet
Cryptic Vision

But I know full well that some of these are too little known (i.e. When The Empire Falls) and/or too expensive to book (i.e. Myrath). I also know there are other festivals, for instances I did get to see Darkwater at BarFest and Cryptic Vision at CalProg. PP still has the best package and bang for the buck. But I am occasionally going to other festivals to see favorite bands. Long live PPUSA. Let's hope Glenn appoints a successor if and when he decides to hang it up.
Gotta love the "bitchers", "whiners" and "moaners" in this forum. Unbelievable. Why isn't this or that band on the roster? Why do they serve curly fries instead of straight fries at Arby's? Why won't my girlfriend put out tonight? Jesus fucking Christ...

The funny thing is some people have literally 15 posts in the forum, have been to one or two ProgPowers before and feel they have the right to complain and bitch... Just unbelievable.
A frie is only really a frie if you dip it in ranch.

It's funny, because the first progpower you go to is mainly over a band or two(for me it was Spiral Architect and Symphony X), but as you go along you expect more and more but still you want to go over just a band or two that you have never seen. There are only a few bands left on my list that I have yet to experience live, and it is mainly one I HAVE to see before I die, and that is Vintersorg.