Headliner Announcement

OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!! And they are from Finland woooohoooooo, Does this also mean EWO will be there???????


Wahoo :hotjump: wahoo :hotjump: wahoo :hotjump: wahoo :hotjump:

Poor yippee is in the car on the way to the airport and I read the announcement and gasped and he said "stop right now, close those browsers !!"

Can't wait till he gets there and calls me !!!!!

:danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy:

I can't tell you how fucking awesome this news is!!!
Sonata Rules!!!
meh. From pure reputation alone this makes for a worthy headliner but I'm as excited for them as much as I was with stratovarius, which is not that much. Regardless, this will get many many many many many many people happy. Good job Glenn!
Well Not really into these guys much anymore, maybe the live show will change my opinion.

TOtally understand your point. I've seem them 2 times by now..they are good live, but some people just don't like them..... lol even after the live show. But I hope you will enjoy it :)
Not bad, not fan of them but a couple of songs are funny. Worth to listen them live.

NP: Warrior - 'Naked Aggresion'
Glenn...thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I missed them last year when they toured and i hated myself for that....thanks for making a dream come true!!!
They are better than Stratovarius.
Glen hit a bigtime home run here with this,as this band was on just about everyone's wish list.
Are they a 4 or a 5 slot,and what day?
Great...one of the very few power metal bands l keep in rotation...good deal :cool:
Heh, don't tell them that. They don't like the label.
From an interview:
AMBR: Your style really hasn’t change very drastically from the beginning. It has been given a number of different labels, like power metal, how would you classify your music?
JANI: Melodic metal. I’m not to keen on the term power metal, really. It makes me think of dragons and knights and that stuff.
Tony has said the same. :)

Pyramaze51 said:
OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!! And they are from Finland woooohoooooo, Does this also mean EWO will be there???????
That's quite possible. Would be cool to see him again. Seems like we need a Finnish band for every PP. :lol: Sure makes those after parties interesting!
Well Not really into these guys much anymore, maybe the live show will change my opinion.

Yeah, not what I was hoping for but I know a lot of people have
been asking for them so I'm happy for 'em! I'll have to go back and
have another listen to their material...
Oh my god...this band is amazing. They are the band that got me into metal, thank you so much! They were fantastic in Atlanta a few months ago.