Poll: more or less?

I think the variety is key, because as others noted, one person's garbage band is another person's reason for going.

I would strongly discourage starting the thing any earlier. I've been to enough 10-hour Bhutan deathmarch concerts...they suck.

My only other suggestion is that Evergrey gets invited back!

- N
I liked it as-is, 5 bands. I agree with one of the earlier posts that if time is a concern that maybe the festival start earlier giving you an extra hour or two to divy up among the bands.

I thought PP 2 went perfect in regards to overall experience and thrills of seeing a variety of bands. There will never be a shortage of great bands to get over here so 5 at a time is my choice.

www.progpower.com - webmaster
I like the way it is.
To those who think it's too much music... HELLO it's a festival!!!
The exception I would make is if you managed to get a HUGE name band - in that case you could have one day with 5 bands (normal schedule) and the next day it would be 4 bands, with the "festival headliner" getting to play 2 hours. Again, that would only work if the band was a clear headliner.
Just my 2¢
I personally would love to see 5 bands each night again. If there are 2 bands there I don't like I still get to see 8, instead of 6. Personally I don't mind long sets, what I hate is when it takes a band 2 hours to setup.

Any ideas on dates yet? I've got free airline tickets but have to use them by a certain date, wondering if I'll be able to go for free...
I think the festival worked perfectly last year. The variety of bands was such that even if there WAS a band I wasn't overly thrilled with, I could go shop for discs, hit the bathroom, or have a drink. I'd rather have the 5 bands per day. Better to have shorter sets, with more variety. That way if there is a band you don't like, well, it'll be over soon!! Don't change, is my vote.
I think the format is ok as it is. I'd hate to see a band get eliminated and then find it was one of my favs. More time is always better but I'll just be happy with what I get
I think the format is just fine with 5 bands per night. I would certainly support starting a little earlier to get a little more time, but if I'm going to fly across the country I want to see lots of bands I will never be able to see elsewhere.

Guy Kendall
I would rather give headliners more time. Symphony X having more time would have been a very good thing.

But the chance to see more bands I like is more important, and I think more beneficial to the prog metal scene. Giving bands an opportunity to perform live in the USA in front of larger crowds for the USA is what I think this is about. Also, I didn't want to hear Ark, nightingale, or spiral architect, but it just gave me a chance to eat or shop for stuff. You can't please everyone with all the bands, so more bands increases the chances of someone finally getting to see their favorite band. And as much as I would have enjoyed more Kamelot, evergrey or symphony x, it was actually Balance of Power who I was most disappointed by the lenght of their set. So if you do reduce the bands, I hope you give all the non headliners equal time, and maybe more time.

Hope this helps.
I like having ten bands on the weekend. There needs to be enough variety to bring in enough people. I understand people saying that they only come for one or two bands, but at the same time, there is the opportunity to be exposed to new bands. It is one of the nice things about NEARFest.

The problem is, if you are going to keep it the same, the show needs to start earlier. NEARFest starts at noon to get all of those bands in, while you do it from about 5 on. That also means shorter sets for the bands, which doesn't make fans of those bands too happy. I can understand if you are restricted by the venue about when you can start. If so, maybe it would be better if a couple bands were cut from the list and go with 4 bands a night. I know I wanted to see more of Superior...

I would like to see more bands. I would not mind shorter sets for the extra bands and longer sets for the headliners.

Please bring back Symphony X and ARK. I think ARK is tight, professional band with serious rhythm and serious songs.

John R. Wheatley
Irondale, AL
I wouldn't want to cut any of the bands.... I'm under no illusions that the last bands that might be cut first would be bands that would be hard to see otherwise, and which really made it something extraordinary (Spiral Architect, anyone?)...

:hotjump: :yow: :cry: :bah: :loco: :headbang:
My .02....
From a crew standpoint, 4 bands is awesome! It gives more time between sets, is easier for soundchecks.
Plus, I know from a player standpoint, at 45 minutes, you are just getting really warmed up... and hour or more to play is better.
However.. if it is a band that you really don't care for, and hour can be a long time.. BUT you can kill time by shopping for CD's and t-shirts etc...
So - to sum it up - whatever you decide Glenn - you did a helluva job last year !!!
Hmmm, I'd suggest keeping the same number of bands each night, but starting the festival an hour earlier on Saturday, which would allow the "under-card" bands an extra fifteen minutes each. If this could also be done on Friday, cool, but we might not have the ability to start load-in and soundchecks early on Friday, since it's the first day....

As someone pointed out, it seemed like the headliners got a decent amount of time to play, both nights; I have a feeling it will be a VERY good thing to have some of the earlier bands play a long, "more meaningful" set. After all, these are progressive bands with -long- songs. 45 minutes is only enough time for a prog band to clear its collective throat. :D

BTW, Glenn, I have some more catering info for you, on the way via email. Not as important for 2002, though, if we once again allow in-and-out access, which is a Good Thing IMHO.
Yeah, I'm a little late on this, so I'll take the easy way out, and say that I agree with chazzy and Pellaz......hehe

I loved things the way they were last year, yet I could BARELY stay awake for the headliners. I'm an old fart, I guess.

In/out privileges are a must, though. With this, there must be no compromise.

Definitely keep the sounds diverse, I know my own personal music tastes are quite scattered. Plus, I like the surprise of listening to up and coming bands.

I like the present length of the shows as is, but wouldn't mind if the headliners had a little extra time.

I also say to keep it as is. I think the format of PP2.0 was great and allowed room for lesser known acts to get attention. Variety is good. I enjoy seeing the earlier bands and discovering new bands(ARK). I think it would be nice to get an earlier start. Sadly, last year my brother and I weren't able to go to the second day. So, we had to drive home(4+ hours) after three songs into Symphony X. I think if some of the soundchecks were a bit quicker it would make things a lot better. Having 5 bands allows more time for buying CDs, shirts, etc. if someone doesn't like a band that's playing. I'll definitely be getting hotel reservations and going both days this time. I don't see how anything major could go wrong. Whatever format that is chosen will be great. I can't wait!

Also, I think having someone like Opeth would bring in a lot of people who may be slightly unfamiliar with the other bands but enjoy them enough to buy their CDs, shirts, etc. If people don't enjoy the band, they will not feel forced to watch them as there are other things to do. Glen knows what he is doing and did a great job last year. I have complete faith in him.
Glenn -
I agree with the idea of having the "headliner(s)" play extra time, especially if they have to travel overseas. I also favor more time for the overseas bands period. Cutting out 1 band would allow you to give more time to a headliner.
Also, I'd like to possibly see more time in between sets.... I know the goal was to bring many bands to the venue, but the stress of trying to set up these bands so fast puts an awful lot of stress on you, as well as the bands, and the fans would love to shop in between sets, and talk with friends and bands, etc......
One last bit of annoyance, I said I wouldn't add in my 2 cents to an incredibly run festival, but like someone said below, bringing in some "representatives" of other prog / power styles like Opeth, After Forever, etc etc would bring more people ?
I know I'm way late to the party, but I vote for either keeping it the way it is or cutting one band. Cutting one on Friday would allow everyone a little more time to get into town (with ATL traffic, that can't hurt!), and doing it on Saturday would allow a "true headliner' type of thing, with longer sets. I definitely wouldn't want to see anything shorter than half-hour sets, and I'm not old like some of you claim to be ;), but 8 hours in a venue about wore me out, too-- I definitely wouldn't be able to handle more than 5 bands in one night. (And we won't even talk about my pocketbook after after all the beer and CDs I bought!)

I think you should leave the set lengths as they were last year. The bands that headline should have the longer sets. There are also a greater number of people there to see the headliners. I think the sets for the "undercard" were just about right. If you did not like the band, they were not on long enough to make you totally lose interest. If you did like the band, then you got just enough of a set to satisfy you. People cannot afford to be too upset. Most fans in this country would never get a chance to see these bands if it were not for you. If you do not like a particular band, go out in the lobby and buy some cds. Their set will be over shortly and a band you do like will be on. Leave it as it is. It is the variety that drew me in.
