Headliner Announcement

When I saw them in feb, there were only about 20-30 people that knew who they were

That sucks. I had the opposite experience in Minneapolis. We had over 300 people and what blew me away is that over 1/2 of the crowd was under 21 years old and they were huge fans of the band. Where the heck did Sonata pick up all these kids? What are they, Dragonforce???

It was very cool to see.
Thanks Glenn. This is great news. I have always wanted to see them. I wonder if they will have a new album out by then.
definitely shaping up to be a kick ass party this year. SA is one of those bands that every now and then I pop in because I'm in the mood to really get the blood flowing with some power metal that's classic without being cheesy......and then I end up listening to them almost exclusively for at least a week because I somehow forgot how good they were :heh:

I'm really looking forward to Communic as well. I hadn't heard of them at all until picking up their CD at this years fest. They have a very definite Sanctuary vibe going on.....will be interesting to see if they have the same type of presence onstage as Warrel and company.

As has been mentioned a few times here on these boards......you freakin rock Glenn :headbang: Despite all the headaches that I know must go along with doing this......I seriously think you have the coolest job in the world. Thanks for doing this for all us metal heads out here!!
definitely shaping up to be a kick ass party this year. . . .

As has been mentioned a few times here on these boards......you freakin rock Glenn :headbang: Despite all the headaches that I know must go along with doing this......I seriously think you have the coolest job in the world. Thanks for doing this for all us metal heads out here!!

Oh yeah you said it mate.

Do you know where I'll be at midnight on October 5, 2007?!? That's right baby, Front and Center with any luck! :headbang:
OHHHHHHHH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:OMG: :oops: the emotion!!!!!!

:worship: :worship:


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I can't describe how happy I am!!

Ok... I know where I'll be Friday Night. FRONT FUCKING ROW!!!! :headbang:
That sucks. I had the opposite experience in Minneapolis. We had over 300 people and what blew me away is that over 1/2 of the crowd was under 21 years old and they were huge fans of the band. Where the heck did Sonata pick up all these kids? What are they, Dragonforce???

It was very cool to see.
That is the same phenomenon we witnessed at the SA show @ Jaxx! We were shocked and amzed at how young the crowd was there for that show! Jaxx was packed yet had a relatively poor bar night. :lol: I guess they should lower the drinking age to 16 so these all ages shows don't break the clubs. ;)
That is the same phenomenon we witnessed at the SA show @ Jaxx! We were shocked and amzed at how young the crowd was there for that show! Jaxx was packed yet had a relatively poor bar night. :lol: I guess they should lower the drinking age to 16 so these all ages shows don't break the clubs. ;)

It was even bigger last time around - and there were even more kids there...

sonata were one of the few first prog/power (whatever take you favor) band that got me into this type of music. thank you Glenn, thank you!:headbang: :worship:

now just tell us all that you have iced earth with Barlow on saturday night!!!!!!!
They are the best live show I've ever seen. YES GLENN!

And to whoever said they need to play Wolf and Raven, yes, I agree.

You know what's badass? I was really sketchy about finances for the coming year and going to ProgPower because I'm about to do a major job change. However, I've been paying taxes as a dependant for almost a year now. That means (at least in Texas anyway) I get all of that shit back!! ProgPower is paid for! SONATA ARCTICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!